I just came into 15th century (posts)

wilcuma to fiftene centum.
("Welcome to 15th century" in 15th Century English LOL)
OMG U GONNA catch up to fly free so fast LOLOL! Welcum to the 15th century posting LOL im sill in the 1300th century LOL will be there soon NO WORRIES LOL!
LOL imagine we morph into 15th cenutury. i cannot imagine how we survive there.
Originally posted by javapride
OMG U GONNA catch up to fly free so fast LOLOL! Welcum to the 15th century posting LOL im sill in the 1300th century LOL will be there soon NO WORRIES LOL!

Originally posted by e
Uh, do you mean 16th century?

She made it to 1500, so that's 15th century, but now she is over 1500 so you're right, she is in 16th century club.
Originally posted by funnybebe78
no kuijfe75's right u are into 5th century and me into 16th century now I am like :doh: :rofl:

Opps. me :crazy: