I have babies :)


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Apr 16, 2003
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Hey!!! Welcome To My Grand-cubs!!! Lol My Kittens Were Born And Fly Free Was Stick With Cat Mother And Information Me During I Am At Work -- Scream!!! I Was Sooooo Nervous To Be Grandma!! Lol Ofc Fly Free Is Adopted Grandma, ;)

Ok Ummm There Is 4 Kittens Are Landing, Actually -- Three Of Four Are Here But Last Baby Stubborn Is On The Way....

Meow Meow Meow Wahhh --
Whoa.. Peeky has another one? I thought she has three kittens? Wow. I wanna see the pictures of new furbabies. ;)
It's exciting when a cat has her litter. I've seen like 10 litters in the last 4 years as my Mum and myself have been in the Burmese cat breeding business. It's both exciting and emotional watching and assisting our queens have their respective litters. :)
:fruit: :applause: 4th is OUT and nursing..... Peeky is doing fine so do I!!! :) I been worried all night and make sure they are alright.... Lovable seems doing okay, just peace from HISSSSSing cat lady!!! :lol:
Awwwww... What colors are the Kittens? Do u have a picture of them?
YES all 4 are doing well! :applause: :D it was an amazing thing watching the birthing and Peeky's babies come and how they are like -- the 2nd is aggressive has the same personality as Lovable :o MizzDeaf and i are happy that the babies has arrived cuz i sure have been talking abt the babies for a while and how tiny their ears will be and how tiny their tail would be :lol:

Cheri -- 3 are mostly smoky colored and 1 is alot similar to Peeky a mixed siamese cat with some other breed -- Lovable is a black/white cat but unsure of the breed :-/ and i think hes a tabby while MizzDeaf thinks he is some other breed

i will be taking pixs of the babies when theyre ready to have their pix taken -- dont worry Cheri gurl :D
Cheri said:
Awwwww... What colors are the Kittens? Do u have a picture of them?
one time i've seen a couple of cats in very strange colors...pure blue and the other dark green
MizzDeaf said:
Hey!!! Welcome To My Grand-cubs!!! Lol My Kittens Were Born And Fly Free Was Stick With Cat Mother And Information Me During I Am At Work -- Scream!!! I Was Sooooo Nervous To Be Grandma!! Lol Ofc Fly Free Is Adopted Grandma, ;)

Ok Ummm There Is 4 Kittens Are Landing, Actually -- Three Of Four Are Here But Last Baby Stubborn Is On The Way....

Meow Meow Meow Wahhh --

:shock: :ily:
are u keeping the Kittens or are u Selling them? :)
we hadnt discussed that far yet on either give away or selling the kitties -- i know i would be heartbroken to see them go!!! :(
this one is Peeky (the mommy!)

this was taken last Nov 2003


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Awww what a Cutie...:) I know You will be heartbroken... Just do what is best for you....I sure want to see some Kittens pictures.. *excited* :)
mom with babies!

just took it a few mins ago and happened to be a great timing :D

Cheri -- u got ur wish! hehe


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Awww.....Congratulate MizzDeaf/ FlyFree....*Hugs*....

They're soooooooo darnest cuteeee....I wanna one! :(
^Angel^ said:
Awww.....Congratulate MizzDeaf/ FlyFree....*Hugs*....

They're soooooooo darnest cuteeee....I wanna one! :(

heheh thanks Angel!!!!! awww u wanna 1 of the kitties qq i plan to take a pix of them as theyre growing up (more likely 1 pix a week) and post them :thumb:

*huggies* Angel gurl!!!!
Lovable the daddy!

oops i didnt post his pix shame on me LOL -- this was taken from Nov 2003 :D he was origionally thought to be a female when he was first adopted but later found he was a MALE ack LOL


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Fly Free said:
heheh thanks Angel!!!!! awww u wanna 1 of the kitties qq i plan to take a pix of them as theyre growing up (more likely 1 pix a week) and post them :thumb:

*huggies* Angel gurl!!!!

Aww That would be sooo nice to see more pictures of those cute kittens....Yep, Im a cat LOVER...and I already have two of my own...still want one more...I do have outdoor cat which is a male (Tiger) and indoor female ( Luckystar)....We went to the pet mart a couple of weeks ago did looked at kittens...wanna another one:(

I would love to see more of their growing up pictures....it would be awesome..

Thanks again FlyFree *hugs*...
Fly Free said:
he was origionally thought to be a female when he was first adopted but later found he was a MALE ack LOL

:ugh: U didn't find out until after they were....umm..u know... :lol:
^Angel^ said:
:ugh: U didn't find out until after they were....umm..u know... :lol:

:rofl: no i didnt -- i was here in St Louis last May 2003 for a family member's wedding and after that came here to visit with MizzDeaf and at the time Lovable was still a wee little kitten approx 10 or so weeks old (i think -- gotta check with MizzDeaf) -- the rest of this i will leave MizzDeaf to answer :D