I got into Gallaudet!


Active Member
Dec 21, 2005
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Well, I am not sure if this is the right place for this thread. I usually hang out over in the interpreting forum. But I wanted to share my good news.


I went to Western Maryland College many years ago but I dropped out. I did some other jobs, and for the past 5 years I have been an interpreter. I have always wanted to go back to school but I never had the time or money. But then I inherited some money...and Gallaudet started a B.A. program for interpreting...and so I decided to apply to go back to school.

I got into the HUG program, if you don't know what that is, it is Hearing Undergraduates. I'm going back to college full time! I am SO scared. I am going to be different from the rest of the students in a LOT of ways. I am older (26), I am hearing, I am shy, I will be living off-campus and driving to Gallaudet every day. So I'm pretty scared!

This is a HUGE change in my life but I am trying to look at it like it is a new adventure. :)
Congrats! As a Gally alum, let me warmly welcome you to the land of Kendall Green and invite you to partake in everything it has to offer! :)
AWESOME! Good luck and I am sure you will do just FINE!!! :thumb: So ya start this fall?
Congratulations on the good news and wishes you well on your endeavors! ;)


Thread will be 'sticky' for the time being--

Awesome, Congratulations Etoile!!!.. :thumb:
That's awesome!! Congrats! U will be fine. :)
congratulations indeed! its always fun to be accepted into a place of higher education :)
Woot. :roll:

As if it's real difficult to get in Gallaudet...
I am hearing. And yes, it is hard for hearing students to get into Gallaudet. So let's pretend you said "congratulations!" and leave it at that.