I freaked out...well, sometimes


New Member
Oct 10, 2005
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Okay, I need some help here. Everytime, I would freak out when I sign the wrong way even my brain use the correct words. It's like when you think of something but write down on the paper differently and you have to erase 'em and then correct 'em. Does it happen to you sometimes? And how do you control your hands? They would giggle when I accidentally sign the word when it wasn't suppose to be there. I need to practice more signing? I'm SEE but ASL is kinda hard for me. I don't want to freak myself out and blush often. :Ohno: :Oops:
I don't know about sign language to help you--but I can empathize with how it feels to use a language other than your first. You're not the only one to have feelings like that. I get horribly nervous when I speak Spanish (my second language). I haven't had a lot of opportunities to practice, and when I do try, my face just starts to burn uncontrollably. And on a pale face like mine, it's really obvious and really embarrassing. :(
Thanks. I thought I was the only one. :eek: :o Such to my relief I feel better. I'm trying to figure out. Hmmm.. I love learning Spanish I elementary. :D Got B+ grade...but all due to absences for the sake of my kids. They were so sick. Now they're back stronger and regularly in schools. Now my level went down for Spanish...sheesh! So I'm learning a few German now b/c of my mom's families are 1/2 German, 1/2 Irish. :eek: :o Oh, well. Gotta hit my head now.
You're welcome. :) Again, wish I could've had more specific help for you, but glad to know that could mean something.
Rose Immortal said:
I haven't had a lot of opportunities to practice, and when I do try, my face just starts to burn uncontrollably. And on a pale face like mine, it's really obvious and really embarrassing. :(

Ha! I have the exact same problem with blushing. Only I do it when I know I've screwed up when interpreting (I mean a big mistake, not like a small error in fingerspelling). Then not only is it embarrassing -- thus causing more blushing -- but I feel totally unprofessional because not only have I screwed up, but I'm SHOWING it.

I sympathize. You just gotta ignore that stupid blush and it'll go away. (Eventually.) :Oops:
I admire you...I don't think I have the nerves to be anybody's interpreter! You think I'm self-conscious now--I'd be crazy then. Right now I'm still at a stage when any attempt to say anything still makes me turn red in the face. ;)
This kind of stuff happens to everyone....It may sound crude but if you think in your head 'Just deal with it and move on...' You will realize that those mistakes are not that bad and you can keep going.

Some of you know that I worked in radio before becoming a cop. One of the things that disc jockeys have to do is get up in front of large audiences on stage. Well, I suffer from stagefright and I would almost go into panic attacks. It took the attitude that this will be over in a moment...I'll go up there, do my thing, and then be done with it. No matter how it made me feel inside, I'd just go and do it.

I took that with me when I left radio...that attitude has come in handy with both police work and when I'm signing. If I'm signing and I make an embarassing mistake (which happens more than I'd like to admit), I take a breath and keep going. One thing I've noticed with police work (especially in training of new recruits) when somebody makes a mistake, it will spiral downhill. They get into their own head and its starts to affect everything after that. In fact, we have a name for it. We call it the 'Jedi Mind F*ck' or 'Jedi Mind Screw'. When you make a mistake, don't let it get into your head and screw the rest of it up. Make Sense?
"Jedi MindF**k." LOL, love it. Sounds like Clusterf**ck to me, though, heh. I wish I had a nickel for each time I screwed up signing, I'd be rich, dang. But they seem all worth it when you can laugh about it.
Beowulf said:
"Jedi MindF**k." LOL, love it. Sounds like Clusterf**ck to me, though, heh. I wish I had a nickel for each time I screwed up signing, I'd be rich, dang. But they seem all worth it when you can laugh about it.

I know plenty about Clusterf*cks too ;)

I wasn't much into star wars, but apparently Jedi can get into peoples minds. Its when when we get into our own minds (when making a mistake) and then screw ourselves all up and it snowballs. If you just take a breath and keep your feet on the floor, the Oh Crap factor will pass.
Taylor said:
This kind of stuff happens to everyone....It may sound crude but if you think in your head 'Just deal with it and move on...' You will realize that those mistakes are not that bad and you can keep going.

Some of you know that I worked in radio before becoming a cop. One of the things that disc jockeys have to do is get up in front of large audiences on stage. Well, I suffer from stagefright and I would almost go into panic attacks. It took the attitude that this will be over in a moment...I'll go up there, do my thing, and then be done with it. No matter how it made me feel inside, I'd just go and do it.

I took that with me when I left radio...that attitude has come in handy with both police work and when I'm signing. If I'm signing and I make an embarassing mistake (which happens more than I'd like to admit), I take a breath and keep going. One thing I've noticed with police work (especially in training of new recruits) when somebody makes a mistake, it will spiral downhill. They get into their own head and its starts to affect everything after that. In fact, we have a name for it. We call it the 'Jedi Mind F*ck' or 'Jedi Mind Screw'. When you make a mistake, don't let it get into your head and screw the rest of it up. Make Sense?

Yes, sir. It does make sense. Thanks. :Oops: Cool. :) Thanks!
Beowulf said:
"Jedi MindF**k." LOL, love it. Sounds like Clusterf**ck to me, though, heh. I wish I had a nickel for each time I screwed up signing, I'd be rich, dang. But they seem all worth it when you can laugh about it.

Hmmm..so the TV avatar describes ya? Becuz you wanna be "rich?" :D ;)