I cannot find search internet help teach more grammar english


Premium Member
Jun 5, 2006
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I understand that is difficult to search find out internet well I don't know what is search appropriate to english. I understand. I guess that is hard search find easy information. I know hard time level intermediate, hard, easy.

I am confused. I was misunderstand try better help understand and reading.
I teach English writing and grammar to deaf students. Please feel free to PM me with any questions.
If internet don't help. You can try writng classes at night. Or go to the library and find books to work on your English structure, etc...or you can buy it at Amazon or Barnes & Nobles. I always buy many books like structure, point of veiw and things like that. It helps me because i am a writer and want to be an author one day. My best friend wants me to go with her to take writing class courses at night so she can learn her English grammer like you do because she doesn't want to go by herself, and she needs me as her interputer. I told her I would love to and it would be fun, even though I don't need to but I am going anyways. It doesn't matter how old you are, we are going anyways. I hope you will find ways to help to improve your English. It is never easy, even though some hearing people do have the same problem.
I am frustrated I hate english grammar

I don't know what is search demo free help teach you want to demand to do explain learn how grammar english.

I couldn't think so not books. I favorite fun play games. That is help with teach you easy development to grow focus on english... I hope wish be happy and where you know find internet. i don't know not do know where is find internet.
I favorite fun play games. That is help with teach you easy development to grow focus on english...

I totally agree with this. I always tell my students (deaf and hearing) that games are a good way to learn vocabulary and grammar. Unfortunately it's not the only way but reading is a very important part of learning to write, and there's a lot of reading in some games.
I learned my langauges by going to writing classes. I learned japanese or (nihongo) by my mom *she's japanese* and spanish by my dad *mexican-american* and sign language from different schools. It depends on where you are learning the language from . If you have someone that just don't care about your desire to learn, then you need to find a place where the Do care about your learning desires. In fact, read a good book, if you can't undertand a word, look it up in the dictionary, it all depends on how much you apply yourself to it.
Try this one that might help you. Here is the link: English as 2nd Language - Learn English

You could do both this link and let the Interpretrator help you with your grammar back and forth on your emails.

I checked the link that Buffalo suggested for you to look up on Advanced English lessons. I like it.
I think so not enough find more research internet english grammar

I don't find figure out where is comments. I blurred on english too much on really difficult. I can't clear understand what is no matter so I hard read to see to on read.

I don't know where is level easy-medium-hardest.

That is depend on my skills and write on grammar. I am sorry I don't know.
I truly believe you will need to have tutor to help you. Ask your family members or even some truly friends to help you? Can't hurt to ask them. Good Luck!

I don't find figure out where is comments. I blurred on english too much on really difficult. I can't clear understand what is no matter so I hard read to see to on read.

I don't know where is level easy-medium-hardest.

That is depend on my skills and write on grammar. I am sorry I don't know.
Try this one that might help you. Here is the link: English as 2nd Language - Learn English

You could do both this link and let the Interpretrator help you with your grammar back and forth on your emails.

I checked the link that Buffalo suggested for you to look up on Advanced English lessons. I like it.

I got the link from someone in AD and I don't remember who. Your link looks good, too. Just bookmarked your link. :)