I am NuJ4X and I have questions


New Member
Dec 27, 2017
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Good morning all,

I am NuJ4X. You pronounce my name "new-jacks". It is wonderful to meet you all and its been quite a journey for me to get here. First off, I hope that it is okay that I am a hearing individual who has joined this board. I don't wish to offend or upset anyone, I just truly wish to understand this culture more and I have questions for you all.

I am an up and coming EDM artist / DJ. I make catchy EDM songs. Recently, I was introduced to Amber Galloway-Gallego. She is an amazing and wonderful human and I'm sure you're all familiar with what she does. In case you're not though, she is an interpreter that interprets modern day hits into American Sign Language. She is truly an inspiration and her videos are absolutely magnificent.

Recently, I contacted her to ask her if she would interpret my debut single for me because I wished to include everyone in the launching of my music. She finally responded yesterday morning and she said she would! I was so happy that I squealed with delight and woke my sweet wife up, who didn't have such a sweet look on her face LOL!

But my questions for you are this. What can I do to include deaf culture in my music? I don't feel like many artists out there consider this aspect in their music but I want too. My mother dated a deaf man when I was younger and I really connected with the show Switched at Birth years ago when it was still on television. It wasn't until I saw what Amber Galloway-Gallego can do, that I felt like maybe I really could include everyone in my music.

I hope I haven't offended anyone, and I'd be so happy to get feedback from you all.

Thank you for your time!!
Thank you Reba, I appreciate your reply and I'm hoping others will come around and help me answer my question :D
Thank you DeafNerdMommy :D its great to be here!

I'm excited to get more involved with learning about ALS and hopefully making history launching my album will full support for the deaf community!