I`am new


New Member
Apr 16, 2008
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hello, this is my first time on this site...i am deaf and i am interesting in your site. wow :cool:
i am looking for playing poker in your site. is all deaf play poker in your site ?
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Hope you will enjoy this site. :)
Welcome, Tatt. I like poker, too. Only not electronic poker, face-to-face poker where I can see the other players' upper bodies, hands, necks, and faces -- all great for observing "tells." Deafies have tremendous advantage in poker, as we're used to reading people. It's like a license to take their money.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I am not much into gambling and playing poker at all. Just enjoy what you can do, but be careful not to waste money or you can get hooked (addiction). I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
Welcome to AllDeaf! :thumb:

Nope, I'm not a poker player... but I'm sure you'll find others here. :)

Welcome to AllDeaf.com
You will join it. Enjoy your stay. Have a FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome, Tatt. I like poker, too. Only not electronic poker, face-to-face poker where I can see the other players' upper bodies, hands, necks, and faces -- all great for observing "tells." Deafies have tremendous advantage in poker, as we're used to reading people. It's like a license to take their money.

You got that right Chase ;)