I am new and don't know what to do

Indian Rose

New Member
Oct 11, 2008
Reaction score
I need help navigating this site. I want to interview some people so that I can complete a college paper on relationships of the deaf with the hearing.

Can someone help me?
Hello, Rose. :welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Well, you will find lots of information here on AD. Remember you have to show respect us as Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. Just choose what topic you want to read and think about what Deaf people do and how they are adjust to being with the hearing people. Just hop in and enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. You will be able to write your college paper about us. Hope you have fun with us. See you around. :thumb:
Hello. Bebonang is right . Just follow her advice and you should easily be able to write a paper.

Welcome to AD>:D
You can also go into the Our World Our Culture Section and post what it is exactly you need and would like to ask..most ppl don't mind answering questions on deaf culture...just be careful how you word things cuz sometimes you can mean something but some Ddeaf/hoh can take it in the wrong context. Their are hearing parents and such on the forum with Ddeaf children as well!
Welcome to AD and hope you enjoy the site:)
Welcome. I hope that in getting the answers you need for your paper, you come away with an understanding that widens your perspective.