I am a non-verbal girl with another girl who is deaf.


New Member
Feb 12, 2007
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My name is Leela. I turn eighteen this Valentine's Day. I cannot verbally speak,but I use ASL to communicate. I also walk with a crutch/cane due to problems with my left side. You see,when I was four years old I became very sick and had a small stroke. The stroke paralyzed my vocal cords,and ruined the balance and coordination in my left side. I regained some of that balance back,but I could not speak.

I was born in Meridian,Mississippi and I moved to Mobile,Alabama at age five with my family,which consists of my parents,bioloigical younger sister,and 3 younger adopted siblings.

I figured out that I related well to deaf people better,when I started baby-sitting a little deaf boy at age sixteen. Unfortuneately,his family was military,and they moved after six months.

Last year,around August or September,I visited a deaf club for teens in Tennesse,where I met my now-girlfriend-soon-to-be-wife, Jenny. We started to go out after 2 months.

I now live with Jenny and her two older sisters,younger cousin,and aunt in Tennesse where me and Jenny attend college. We are looking to transfer to California in a year and a half.

I hope my introduction was worth your time,and that I'll make new friends here.

Wow, you've gone through a lot! It's good to see that you've done better.

So, welcome to AllDeaf! Enjoy your stay! :thumb:
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Have fun browsing and posting! :)

Happy Birthday to you on Valentine's day!
Wow..what an interesting and good story!

:welcome: to AD! :)
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Hope you have a great birthday celebration today and that you'll also enjoy your stay here in AD as well! :)

Have a great and wonderful b-day! :birthday:

:welcome: To All Deaf SilentSongHeart!!
Wow! Sorry to hear about you problems there..
Life can be rough at times..
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb: