Hurricane Florence


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2009
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to all in path of this hurricane, please stay safe and remember that you can take both pets and service dogs with you to evacuate,! Sending good thougts for everyone!
Thank you, dogmom, for getting this started. I have really been thinking about Reba and her family probably being in the path of this. I am also wondering if we have other members in the area.
Reba lives in Charleston, SC....not sure if they have ordered mandatory evacuations there or not...but do know it's mandatory along the East Coast...My Family lives in Wilmington, do many friends....they say they are gonna stick it they've had this Rodeo before...seems Hurricanes just love to visit the Carolinas!...
From what I heard, I hope Hurricane Florence won't end up like Hurricane Harvey. Flood is worse. I am told Hubby's aunt, and her husband in South Carolina are in evacuation zone. Aunt and Uncle owns a place by beach. I am sure they will leave pretty soon to stay with their daughter in TN.

Hurricane loves to visit East Coast. Scientists believe all that dry and dusty from Saharan Desert (Africa) contributes to hurricanes. NASA also mentions it, too.
Charlotte, NC here. We’re not exactly in its path, but still in the affected area for flooding. RR, evacuations have been ordered for the coastal areas of both states.
I did a bit of Googling and ran across at least one place that says that Florida actually gets more hurricanes than the Carolinas.
Sending good thoughts to those in path of Florence... be safe out there!
It’s unpredictable, Charlotte is now in its path again.

I have gotten to wondering what people that are trying to move more than one car/SUV load of stuff do when highways are reversed to have all lanes going in one direction. Do they have to depend on knowing back roads to go back for more things? And also what about those that are trying to get in to help others get out?
I have gotten to wondering what people that are trying to move more than one car/SUV load of stuff do when highways are reversed to have all lanes going in one direction. Do they have to depend on knowing back roads to go back for more things? And also what about those that are trying to get in to help others get out?
I'm sure the people going in to help have contacted the state and local authorities to determine when & where & how to go. If not, they should not be going in.
On the News...many evacuates are heading to my City (Jacksonville)….we surely will get some of the wind and rain here...but luckily, not a direct hit....Also, some newscasters in NC?...No Interpreters or cc's in their newscast....I did notify 1 news station about it ...seems the Mayor of that town dropped the ball! One said they were "sorry if we were offended"....(say what!)...and they were not required to have Interpreters or cc's...That was in Onslow and Craven Counties (small cities in NC).
I have gotten to wondering what people that are trying to move more than one car/SUV load of stuff do when highways are reversed to have all lanes going in one direction. Do they have to depend on knowing back roads to go back for more things? And also what about those that are trying to get in to help others get out?

I'm sure the people going in to help have contacted the state and local authorities to determine when & where & how to go. If not, they should not be going in.

Now it seems that at least, LoveBlue, did not find it clear who I was talking about doing this. I am talking about people that live in an evacuation zone and are trying to move more than one load of stuff. Also, individual people that live there and have relatives and/or friends coming in to get them.

I was wondering what provisions authorities have made for people in those situations and did not state it clearly. I agree it is best for those people to check but is there anything out for the best way for them to check and with what agency?
On the News...many evacuates are heading to my City (Jacksonville)….we surely will get some of the wind and rain here...but luckily, not a direct hit....Also, some newscasters in NC?...No Interpreters or cc's in their newscast....I did notify 1 news station about it ...seems the Mayor of that town dropped the ball! One said they were "sorry if we were offended"....(say what!)...and they were not required to have Interpreters or cc's...That was in Onslow and Craven Counties (small cities in NC).

Did you turn around and reply to them that it is not a matter of being offended but saving lives?
Did you turn around and reply to them that it is not a matter of being offended but saving lives?
What I told them is not printable here!...It was not all stations...just 2 that I noted...Seems we still are fighting to have all videos/Live newscasts in closed captions....The Mayor is responsible for having Interpreters for the Deaf at all Live Newscast I believe (especially in times of Hurricanes) that City dropped the ball...
Now it seems that at least, LoveBlue, did not find it clear who I was talking about doing this. I am talking about people that live in an evacuation zone and are trying to move more than one load of stuff. Also, individual people that live there and have relatives and/or friends coming in to get them.

I was wondering what provisions authorities have made for people in those situations and did not state it clearly. I agree it is best for those people to check but is there anything out for the best way for them to check and with what agency?

Keep in mind that there are a helluva lot of people who simply CANNOT evacuate.
Like I said, it's gonna hurt.
As of right now... Charlotte will get a lot of rain and probably flooding. I'm north of Charlotte by about 20 mins... At the moment it's quiet still dry and sunny earlier... it's supposed to come sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. Wilmington NC has already been hit - and last I heard sadly there were 2 deaths (a mother and her infant).

As mentioned- Reba is in Charleston- I don't think they'll get hit directly but will get rain, they're pretty much on the outer edges. I have another friend who lives in Charleston so I'm watching her FB posts.