hundred thousands march for Iran

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Mar 12, 2003
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"Hundreds of thousands of government supporters rallied across Iran on Wednesday, swearing allegiance to the clerical establishment and accusing opposition leaders of causing unrest in the Islamic state."

Hundreds of thousands at pro-government rallies in Iran | Reuters

The public has spoken - the people voted for the dictator. The accusations of rigged election seem baseless.

Remember, just because the majority voted doesn't make it "freedom" - the majority has been wrong many times.
in a place where their vote doesn't mean much..

those government workers are simply voting for their pay check in a way everyone can see. Doesn't mean a damn thing about what they really think.
Iran government are not good for all people, as they want free country like Australia, Why they want them to hang in public for a little crime? they should put them in Jail , I am lucky to live here as this country is safe heaven away from Iran . I hope that they barrack for me ?
The majority of people want a theocratic government based on Islamic laws.

Don't be fooled to think that they wanted freedom, they don't - they wanted to be controlled by Islamic governments. In fact, the majority wants death penalty for Muslims who convert to Christianity.
ahh....the public is believed to have voted for the other candidate and election rigged.That is why the demonstrations.
The pro gov demonstrations are rigged with agitators.
The majority of people want a theocratic government based on Islamic laws.

Don't be fooled to think that they wanted freedom, they don't - they wanted to be controlled by Islamic governments. In fact, the majority wants death penalty for Muslims who convert to Christianity.

This depends on whether they are Shia Muslims or Sunni Muslims. Shia Muslims tend to be more Conservative and usually have the type of beliefs that you just described. Sunni Muslims tend to be more Liberal and accepting.
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