"HP" three grown up kids movie.....

I am really looking forward to it. Only problem for me is, I wait for the DVD.
Why? That is certain to be OC everywhere.

I have been checking around, the closet theater that I can find, is in an area of town (1-2 hours away) that I wouldn't ask my most hated friend to go near. Also, most theaters in this area are $10-$15 for a ticket. That's outside of the budget for 3-5 of us. Easier to buy the DVD and watch it multiple times.
I have been checking around, the closet theater that I can find, is in an area of town (1-2 hours away) that I wouldn't ask my most hated friend to go near. Also, most theaters in this area are $10-$15 for a ticket. That's outside of the budget for 3-5 of us. Easier to buy the DVD and watch it multiple times.

I'm sorry to hear it. I am lucky to live close to a theater with OC. Plus we have bargain Tuesdays that are only $6, and we have matinees everyday up until 5 pm that only cost about $6.50.
Ohhh me cannot either wait! WHOOT! I'll rather DVD than go out to theater to save $$....so gotta wait next spring/summer to buy one.
I absolutely cannot wait for the DVD. I've been a fan of HP since it was given to us! My friends and I grew up along with Potter so it was part of our development and engrained into us. It was as if the books and age of the kids was always where we were in school. As such, we've always seen the movie on opening night at midnight, so I'll be at the theatre in my cloak again! :) I'll see some of you die-hard fans there with me! I can't wait!

Thanks for reading,

I am definitely looking forward to the film! Will watch with OC at Dendy's
Bring it on.

FACT: The HP films has been filmed for more than 10 years has finally had its wrap on the 12th June 2010.