How Wolves Change Rivers

We have to update by Flash player so can't see video yet but want to see - thanks for posting!
We have to update by Flash player so can't see video yet but want to see - thanks for posting!
I found this to be very interesting , it show that wolves play an importance role in nature something I knew all along .
Beautiful wolves. Was someone narrating the video? I can't hear the video.
Yes George Monbiot was narrating it ,there are CC too. Maybe the sound was muted , I was able to hear it.

This tell who George Monbiot is , I never heard of him .
Oh I will watch again on my laptop with CC on. Thank you for telling me that it has CC. My phone does not have CC feature. I am glad that there is someone like George Monbiot to stand up for animals rights.
Oh I will watch again on my laptop with CC on. Thank you for telling me that it has CC. My phone does not have CC feature. I am glad that there is someone like George Monbiot to stand up for animals rights.
It was a nice surprise it had CC b/c most videos don't have them
That was beautiful - the captions worked fine for me. I was also surprised about the use and quality of the captions. :thumb: thanks, WDYS!
We have had an interesting change of wildlife this spring so far. It might be too early yet. This same time last year, we had a male Sandhill crane looking for a mate, swans, foxes, a whole family of pheasants with about 10 babies (SO CUTE!) in tow, deer with fawns (clearly babies with their spots and size). So far, the Sandhill cranes have returned, and a new set of deer family (we think it's not the same family as last year based on quantity and size but we could be wrong). And, in the past 14 months we've lived here, husband (who is hearing) has heard wolves, coyotes and foxes. So I'm not sure what the rest of this year will be like.
Seems like both you and I have lots of wildlife , AC! We also have the cranes and lots of other waterfowl and deer <in the yard next door, which is un-fenced - they usually meander there and then run alongside our fence line which parallels the tree line that makes up the woodsy area and waterway at the lower back end of our property>. Sometimes the moms come with the fawns, we had a doe with twines last year and it was fun to watch the two babies cavort around! I heard coyotes recently and seen all kinds of reptiles and amphibians <with the water> we have snakes, toads, frogs - some really adorable tiny frogs crawled all over our patio door last Summer - salamanders, snapping and other turtles <though I've only seen non-snappers in our yard> Woodchucks and other creatures living under our dilapidated shed that we don't have the money to replace. Oh - skunks - my big girl got skunked a couple years ago NO FUN. And the wild turkeys, those are so big up close!
So far as main topic, I haven't had the privilege of seeing wild wolves but there used to be a sanctuary in a very rural sub-section of the larger metropolitan area we moved from - it was a small sanctuary for wolf hybrids <WDYS, think talked about this with before> and wolves rescued from "pethood". I was interested in volunteering there in high school but I didn't drive then and it was too far from where we lived at the time.
We have a wolves sanctuary in a few towns away from me , I went to see there once . I think there was frog in the grass the other night , Marty went after something but
I didn't see it so it had to been a small toad . I have seen foxes , coyotes and the it could had been a wolf hybrids , and we had deer in our yard a few times. Wild turkeys
came around a lot at one time but not as much now that field is gone and there is an ugly building on it. I think a bat was living in the field too b/c I no longer
see any fly around at night eating bugs . Once the farm across the street from my condo been sold all off there will be no open land in my neighborhood and the wildlife will
dies off or try to move into people back yard. We're over run with chipmunks, they're can be nasty little rodents and now there are less natural predators around
the chipmunks are trying to get into our building . I see them running up our drain pipes all the time. :eek:
Dogmom, I forgot to add that the Sandhill crane that was doing his mating dance last year did indeed find a mate. We were so hoping to see baby Sandhills this year, but so far we haven't, and I think we won't this year. They don't start having babies until they are at least 2 (which I think the male is, and probably the female, too), and up until about age 7. So they're still young yet. Sandhill Cranes don't "leave home" until they are close to a year which is probably about when we saw him last year, so that would make him about 2 now since it's been a whole year already. (Hence why we call him and her Niles and Daphne :) ) We have 5 acres, all unfenced (and we don't plan to change that unless we have a reason to) so this wildlife is just roaming all over. We love this. We also have 3 ponds on our property - 1 large one, 1 medium one, and one small one. The large one is the only one we see all this activity on. We were thinking of maybe trying to expand the small one to see if that brings more critters. So far, no skunks here! BUT we think we have a badger across the wetlands. Those are NOT friendly.
Oh, that's exciting about the possibility of crane chicks! Maybe you will still see some. Love the names! I don't think we have 5 acres....I do love all the wildlife we have and what I see on the pond, especially at the height of Summer. No, badgers are actually very feisty, tough animals and will really put up a fight.
WDYS, I've seen bats too but luckily none in the house. When I volunteered with wildlife rehab, I had a chance to see bats up close and they were quite cute.
WDYS, I've seen bats too but luckily none in the house. When I volunteered with wildlife rehab, I had a chance to see bats up close and they were quite cute.
My mom was putting her fake fur coat on and wasn't able to get one arm in her coat so she shook the coat thinking her glove was in it and out fell a bat ! OMG ! Did mom yell bloody murder ! LOL! Another time mom was half asleep and was dumping out the ice tray from the fridge and the ice was making a lot noise and mom looked
in the sink and there was a bat under the ice . It must had been in the sink and mom was not wide awake yet and didn't see it. She yell for dad at the top of her lungs
It was a small bat and my ex brother was able to put into a jar and take it outside . Poor mom she was wide wake now ! Mom stopped by fur coats b/c one of her
granddaughter and I were protesting wearing fur coats which was why she had a fake one . Yes bats are cute , I came very close to one when I had Finlay , we
were in the backyard and Finlay was sniffing around a tree and out came a bat ! It was cool ! I felt bad for waking it up. I like all wildlife too but when they're trying to get into my home , they're no longer cute to me. I don't like rodent poop in my stove fan when I am cleaning it out. When I brought Finlay home he was standing next
a wall in my living room and had his head cocked and was listening to something when I find the poop I knew what my dog was hearing . Yuck !
Oh, that's exciting about the possibility of crane chicks! Maybe you will still see some. Love the names! I don't think we have 5 acres....I do love all the wildlife we have and what I see on the pond, especially at the height of Summer. No, badgers are actually very feisty, tough animals and will really put up a fight.

This is what the chicks would look like. We read that they usually mate during the winter and have babies by the time they migrate back, but I'm wondering if I read that right. Hubby swears he saw them having sex the other day. LOL *blush*

oh what a cute picture! Maybe you just have some late ones.....
my hub thought he saw robins mating this morning - I saw some flurry of activity too - could have been a territorial thing or sex, don't know...
I like how you can clearly see the red section on mom's or dad's head in the picture and a pretty eye.

WDYS - wow, what a scare for your mom!
We found mouse turds in kitchen cabinet in the other house, and underneath the dishwasher, when we had it fixed <the guy had to pull it out>. Not a good surprise - though guess I shouldn't have been as our Lab did catch a few mice in that previous house.
oh what a cute picture! Maybe you just have some late ones.....
my hub thought he saw robins mating this morning - I saw some flurry of activity too - could have been a territorial thing or sex, don't know...
I like how you can clearly see the red section on mom's or dad's head in the picture and a pretty eye.

WDYS - wow, what a scare for your mom!
We found mouse turds in kitchen cabinet in the other house, and underneath the dishwasher, when we had it fixed <the guy had to pull it out>. Not a good surprise - though guess I shouldn't have been as our Lab did catch a few mice in that previous house.
We have are trash bins in the basement of my condo and some people put their trash bags in the bins days before trash day and there is meat in the bags that goes rotten and on really hot days it cooked and the basement smell to high hell ! The rodents loves this ! Now we have rodent traps all over the basement floor , they're traps that have real strong glue on them , so the poor mouse doesn't die right away. :( I have turned some traps over b/c I found a mouse on one trap and it was horrible !
Oh no, that's disgusting about the smell....I have mixed feelings about those traps, too and though we did use a few in the house I just mentioned, I also felt bad - better the dog woudl kill them quickly and be done with it.