how to prevent my step mother to stop crack my email


Nov 3, 2005
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she been try to crack a lot on my email and over myspace and now i am use it call roboform to make the password hard but i try to learn from other anyone know ?

my dad about to disvorse my step mother thank god for that

i hate my step mother all my life been all lieso

now she work her butt to bust but proplem is how i prevent those thing
Are you a minor? Does she have good reasons to check what you are doing online?
umm i am 22 and step mom her name is angie

angie been doing crack email on me and my young brother and been try on my dad

and she have try take my blackberry while i was sleeping and i ask ehr she denied
but we live in apt my borther and i live as room mate but still she try to crack it anyway
umm i am 22 and step mom her name is angie

angie been doing crack email on me and my young brother and been try on my dad

and she have try take my blackberry while i was sleeping and i ask ehr she denied
So you are an adult. Is she the one paying your bills (for your Blackberry and Internet access) etc?
but how i prevent those thing like she have crack password for site so my conred is how to prvent these thing
Hmm I see. How does your step-mother get in your E-mail accounts?

To learn how to choose secure and hack-proof E-mail passwords: Linky.
I have heard of Roboform2go though I have never used it. Perhaps, somebody here have suggestions what you could do about it. :)
Mod's note:

Moved this from the Parenting forum to the Technology forum.
Hmm... perhaps, there's a keylogger on your computer?

She probably hid a keylogger program on your computer and checks it when you're not there so she can see everything you typed.

Are you the sole administrator for your computer? If so, do a search for spyware. Also, go to MSCONFIG to see what your startup programs are.

IM me?
If you are an adult and you are paying your own bills then she has no legal right to do any of the things you describe.

You have the right to inform her that if she continues to pursue her present course you will have no recourse except to press charges.

You might want to check with the local police or a lawyer for your full legal rights.
Hmm... perhaps, there's a keylogger on your computer?

She probably hid a keylogger program on your computer and checks it when you're not there so she can see everything you typed.

Are you the sole administrator for your computer? If so, do a search for spyware. Also, go to MSCONFIG to see what your startup programs are.

IM me?

i am use this fully no other can use this
Better to not have him start messing around with the registry and cpls, he might not seem to know what he will do something wrong..

Anyone want to remote connect to him?

One thing I'm not understanding is.. is she(stepmother) obtaining the passwords or is OP trying to prevent her from cracking the passwords in general?

If you want to create a password, uses words and letters that aren't english. Foreign language is good, and if you can add ASCII in the passwords like ¾½¼®©²` in the combination it will thwart most brute force cracking methods.

like if your password is iron chef, what i would do is
find out the english word of iron in chinese, find out another combo for chef in another language like japanese, then you have
tie3shiffu.5_cat_992 some numbers etc. basically don't use a dictionary word.
looks like this is what he is using, the USB stick that acts as a password