How to get involved with deaf culture and community


New Member
May 16, 2006
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Hi, Im hearing college student and while i don't know alot of sign i'm working on getting better at it. My major is eduation and soon i'll be transfering to a four year college so that i can continue my studies to become a deaf ed teacher. I've been on the forum and just kinda reading what everyone says not really posting much. I want to become involved with the deaf community and culture but i'm not sure how to go about it. I don't want to offend anyone but i want to learn more and i guess some part of me doesn't know how to explain that i just want to become more involved to be a better person and better educator(one day)

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have seen many college students go to deaf chat things just to learn more sign and the way of the culture. Here is the website, see if there is one near you Deaf Chat Coffee | A deaf social lifestyle

Thanks mechanical i looked this place up but the closest one they had in new jersey was 6 and a half hours away by bus and 2 hours by car and there aren't any in surrounding states like nyc or pa for me to look into either.
believe it or not thats actually the first website i tried before posthing this thread but i couldn't really find anything, that would help.