I grew up talkin by RSL cuz my family is deaf and went the deaf school, to hang out with deaf friends in RSL havent spoke at all, some cousins and uncles/aunt hearing they talked home sign language I used to understand them, here my husband is deaf who taught me ASL his family all hearing I start to speak English they undy me, surprised, never speak in my home country, huh! now my older daughter is hard of hearing I got used to speak both voice and sign to her 
BSL is my own first language because I was raised up in England but I live in Germany for many years to neglect BSL. I feel that DGS is my number 1. It took me few hours to warm up with BSL when I chat with British friends.
Exactly, I used to live in Ukraine know RSL but I have lived here in USA forget some when I met some from my home country I couldnt remember to say them in RSL but when they talked to me in it I remember I guess now my ASL is nbr 1
I know some of Korean Sign Language and ASL. I learn from US solider and his Korean wife for 3 years in 1986 to 1989 which it´s long time ago. I´m sure it would fresh my memory if I meet Deaf Americans.
Interested, was wife deaf? or she was hearing knows Korean?
I met Spanish, Holland, Italian, Swedish, Greek deafies.
Every use different sign languages in Europe.