I like this thread. 
I use ASL usually with people who are using ASL. I think I fit the person I am talking to. If they talk in PSE, I do too. Call it whatever you want, the interpreter term I think is code-switching.
When I lived with my parents it was PSE with some SEE signs. Even though my parents are deaf, my mom (step) didnt learn SL until she was 20-something because she went to an oral school in Chicago. Since I was born hearing, didnt go deaf till later, I developed English speech and writing skills. I think like a hearing person - although if you call me hearing minded (you know that sign? hearing on your forehead. It's an insult to deaf people from Deaf people), i dont care now.
Anyways, I do random ASL, seriously. There are ASL phrases that just work like magic, and theres no SEE/PSE equivalent. But when I have an interpreter, they ask me what kind of SL do I prefer, I say "conceptionally accurate ASL, please avoide SEE signs." I WANT MY CAKE AND EAT IT TOO! :P
Also, I use my voice - I am not ashamed to do so. I work in retail and I have to communicate with customers. I will resort to paper and pen if worse comes to worse - which is not often. I'm not saying i can lip-read 100% but I get by. :P However, Megladon complains I don't talk loud enough. blahhhh!
I hate raising my voice.