How many meals do you eat in a day?


New Member
Nov 29, 2005
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For me , its 2 meals a day. A small breakfast and a regluar meal at supper. No lunch due to small stomach. Sometimes I would eat small portions during the day.
LuciaDisturbed said:
Mostly I eat small portions all throughout the day. I HATE being hungry.

I *should* eat this way, but it depends...

Usually, I manage two meals a day. Sometimes, if I decide to do what is good for me, I'll eat two meals and two snacks a day.

I hate eating, though.

LuciaDisturbed said:
Mostly I eat small portions all throughout the day. I HATE being hungry.

Me too I hate it when I am hungry lol :lol:

sometime I eat 2 meals or 3 meals. I always hungry every 2 hours I dunno why but not eat too much just small eat and drink that is all. Now not much to eat just 2 or 3 meals and sometime snack at night time. :)
I never eat the same amount each day it depends on how I feel and how much time I have. Sometimes three, sometimes none. Sometimes more.
I do eat between 3 to 6 meals in a day, depends on how size of it. I do hungry and I do love food. So Im proud! :D
Sweetheart said:
I do eat between 3 to 6 meals in a day, depends on how size of it. I do hungry and I do love food. So Im proud! :D

hhahah me too I love foods lol :lol:
The reason I have to do 2 meals a day is because of my son. I have to sit on kitchen table and eat supper with with him as its the way its supposed to be, and he has to eat supper at proper table unlike some people who eat and watch tv in the living room at same time. When he is away, I just eat small portions.. just whatever food I want to eat.
For me, 2 meals a day cuz I working graveyard shift, so I eat light food, then arrive home and eat cereal then zoom bed for the day... Wake up and cook dinner... On the weekend, sometimes 3 meals a day, sometimes 2...
I'm pretty much like most of you - eating 2 meals a day. There are days that I would go with one meal. I know that is not healthy but when I'm on the go all the time, sometime it gets forgetful until I feel the hunger pang. When I do feel the hunger, That's when I start to find something to eat. Otherwise, I do eat 3 meals once in a while, but it is not often I get to eat 3 meals a lot of the time.
I am very small and it's hard for me to eat a lot, I eat 3 meals a day but the amount of food is probably equal to only 2 meals a day.
I eat breakfast right when I get up. (slow sugar causes mirgraines)
Then I eat a small snack 3 hours later.
Lunch (3 hours later after snack)
Snack (3 hours after lunch)
and then a small treat 3 hours after dinner.

7pm the kitchen is CLOSED!

It's a great way to manage your weight. Because you aren't putting your body into storing fat mode, you are resupplying with energy.

I drink water all day long. Sometimes when you feel hungry (if you are used to eating all the time you aren't really you are more thristy than hungry.)
I do eat more than three times a day. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Sometime snacks if my meals are light (salad or something).

I only skip if I forget or am at a place where food are expensive or gross.... but I pay a price for that. I get dizzy and my stomach starts a coup on me.
Breakfast - rarely have breakfast

sometimes it an 3 meals a day but most of the time it is 2 meals a day.
1 meal, that it... Just dinner that all...