How many languages did you attempt to learn?


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Jan 31, 2013
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In high school (and middle school), I took two years of Spanish. Then three years of Latin. One year of German.

In college, I took two semesters of Intermediate Latin as well as one semester of Elementary Chinese Writing.

How about y'all?
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I did attempt to learn Spanish when I had a deaf Spanish speaking client, but no longer work with clients any more so I stopped.
I can read and write some broken spanish but never formally learned or anything.
Wirelessly posted

I learned ASL in 1989 and tried to learn Spanish, but failed miserably.
English is my primary. I took Spanish from 6th - 10th grade and one semester in college. I've dabbled in Japanese and Russian. ASL is my main focus now and I will be returning to school to study it in May. From my music degree/just playing my whole life I have a few words in Italian, German, and Latin. Now that I'm in the church choir, Latin is at least a weekly thing for me. I'm from a very Irish area and have poked around in Irish Gaelic from time to time, as well as French just for fun.

English, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, ASL, Italian, German, Latin, Gaelic, French. I didn't realize the list was that long! The only ones I've be comfortable actually conversing in are English and Spanish and Sign, if done slowly and enunciated fairly well (PSE for now--sorry, still working on the grammar part!).
English is my primary. I took Spanish from 6th - 10th grade and one semester in college. I've dabbled in Japanese and Russian. ASL is my main focus now and I will be returning to school to study it in May. From my music degree/just playing my whole life I have a few words in Italian, German, and Latin. Now that I'm in the church choir, Latin is at least a weekly thing for me. I'm from a very Irish area and have poked around in Irish Gaelic from time to time, as well as French just for fun.

English, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, ASL, Italian, German, Latin, Gaelic, French. I didn't realize the list was that long! The only ones I've be comfortable actually conversing in are English and Spanish and Sign, if done slowly and enunciated fairly well (PSE for now--sorry, still working on the grammar part!).

I believe that was one year of spanish class in college. i think. i did pass then i forget. sad
denmark student stayed at my home for 5 days. i did learn denmark sign language. i forget the rest except one i still rememebr i believe it means stupid. LOL
I forgot that my family had a deaf Finnish stay with us back in 1987-1988. I learned some Finnish words and language. I remember how they signed "meat" in Finnish. I laughed at it and Mom told me to not laugh.
French my freshman year, German my junior year, and now that I'm out of school, ASL.
:wave:Took Spanish from middle school <7th/8th grade> through college

Took ASL

have attempted/dabbled in: Arabic, Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian

Learned a few Japanese and Chinese words at the time when I was in college and had international roommates from Singapore, Indonesia, Japan...
was international dorm and we had students also from various parts of Europe, Portugal, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, Senegal, South Africa etc.
I speak English fluently but am switching over to using ASL as a primary form of communication. I can speak and understand Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, a little French and German, and I'm learning conversational Serbian.
Two years German, and a few weeks of French. :)

On my own, I've studied Russian and Spanish, but not that much.
In middle school and part of high school I took Spanish, then in senior high (in my town we had high school for 9th/10th grade and senior high for 11th/12th) I took ASL 1 & 2 with a teacher who was deaf. I fell in love with ASL and I learned so much. Then in college as part of my deaf ed. major, I took more ASL but I always felt that I learned the most from my high school class since we learned so much through interaction with our teacher without things being implicitly taught. Now, after working in public education settings with students of all different sign skills, sadly I am now PSE and have lost quite a bit of my ASL grammar.

Languages I still want to learn: Japanese and German. I remember a few spoken words in Japanese just from watching anime when I was in high school and I always thought it would be an interesting language to learn.
Thanks :aw: I've always been fascinated with language, music, and culture in general.

me too... except for the music part. I mean, I like music to sing along to and stuff but, I don't like it in an artistic way or anything but just pure enjoyment when in the car. lol
I took 3 years of French in highschool, but that 20 years ago so Im fairly certain I remember very little of it. Over the summer I was on every night doing one lesson, attempting to learn ASL. I have sinced slacked on that, hard core. I will get back on that. Pretty sure Ive mastered English though ;)
I took 3 years of French in highschool, but that 20 years ago so Im fairly certain I remember very little of it. Over the summer I was on every night doing one lesson, attempting to learn ASL. I have sinced slacked on that, hard core. I will get back on that. Pretty sure Ive mastered English though ;)

Are you sure, you forgot the period at the end of your sentence. :cool2: (Just kidding you.)

I hardly remember any of my German language stuff anymore. haha I'm thinking about attempting to learn Norwegian (reading it anyway), as it's very similar to English.
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