How many have had bad dreams?


Emotional Mess
Premium Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Ever since I was 6 or 7 I have had horrible dreams and such where I am in a room with no windows and I can't open the door. People start laughing and then the different colored lights turn on and off. the light match the stupid colored peg from the lite brite that the audiologist used and the laughs were the same tones of the hearing test. I had those frequently and my parents could never understand. The worst of it is, I still, after all this time, still have those dreams.

Anybody else have anything like this?
i had weird dreams many times when i was a kid. As an adult, i do dream but not the same one what I had when i was a kid. i suspect something with the haunted house I lived in. *knock on wood*.
SO i can't count how many dreams did I have, i guess zillion times. :lol:
I'll keep my bad dreams to myself. If I actually unleashed it on the forum, people will think I am criminally insane.
I get bad dreams a lot, especially when I was a kid. Enough that bad dreams seem like a normal thing to me.

But I don't think I had issues with recurring bad dreams though.

I do believe that sometimes dreams are trying to tell us something. Whether it's our fear or warning us of something.
I think what I was asking was, how many of us get bad dreams as a result of our hearing tests?
I keep having bad dreams, but luckily I don't remember many of them. I only remember waking up each time and thinking "Wow, that was bad!"

The only one I remember recently was being in a dark corridor, looking through a clear door and seeing a haunted figure slowly coming towards me. My eyes were glued looking towards it and my heart rate was rapid. It eventually got to me, but nothing happened beyond that point and I woke straight up.

I guess that's what you get for watching "Most Haunted" the previous night. Strange thing is though, I'm not exactly scared by the paranormal. I'd say I'm more intrigued than anything else.
I think what I was asking was, how many of us get bad dreams as a result of our hearing tests?

That's got to be an unusual fear.

I had some about crocodiles and being confined in a closet and forgotten.

I had good reasons for them. A hearing test doesn't rank in my lexicon as anything remotely frightening.:lol:
I sometimes get a dream about chewing gum where the gum sticks to my teeth and gums, and then when I try to pull it out, my teeth come out with it. It can be fairly physically uncomfortable, because I am probably grinding my teeth in my sleep. I usually only have this dream when there is something bothering me, or I have questions about something going on in my life.

I rarely have really "bad" dreams, but when I do, I usually pay attention to them. I believe dreams are metaphorical interpretations of issues and situations that are going on in our waking reality. They don't necessarily offer any answer to a certain problem, but at least they can give us some insight into understanding them.

And then sometimes they are just silly inconsequential nothings that come and go and nothing more.
Bad dreams about a "hearing test"??...Never, the ones I've had were quite hilarious, since people always believed I was "faking".....and the more the volume was turned up, the funnier it got....until the woman's eyes about bulged out, and finally saying..."Well, why ------, didn't you tell me you were totally Deaf".....
Still yet, I do have bad dreams as I have a sleeping disorder, my legs move all the time and dream of being chased....Seems I could not turn off the days events, so there was very little sleep for me, along with the musicial tennitus, so I still take occasional naps during the day.
Oh...about hearing tests? Uhh, don't think I have any. If I did, I certainly don't remember any of it.
I sometimes get a dream about chewing gum where the gum sticks to my teeth and gums, and then when I try to pull it out, my teeth come out with it. It can be fairly physically uncomfortable, because I am probably grinding my teeth in my sleep. I usually only have this dream when there is something bothering me, or I have questions about something going on in my life.

I rarely have really "bad" dreams, but when I do, I usually pay attention to them. I believe dreams are metaphorical interpretations of issues and situations that are going on in our waking reality. They don't necessarily offer any answer to a certain problem, but at least they can give us some insight into understanding them.

And then sometimes they are just silly inconsequential nothings that come and go and nothing more.

Agree to paying attention to ur dreams...I don't remmy all of them when I do dream, and it's in color, just bits and parts of them. But the next day, it dwells on my mind, and sometimes my dreams "do come true"! No kidding.
Agree to paying attention to ur dreams...I don't remmy all of them when I do dream, and it's in color, just bits and parts of them. But the next day, it dwells on my mind, and sometimes my dreams "do come true"! No kidding.

I have always dreamed in color. For a long time I didn't know that many people dream in black & white. To me, it would be really weird to dream in black and white...
In these dream the sounds are the worst since they are the same pitches as the beeps and tones from the tests. What I think is strange is that I have the same exact dream for 40 years.

Different thought- for those of us who are late deafened, do you still hear sound in your dreams? I don't anymore.
In these dream the sounds are the worst since they are the same pitches as the beeps and tones from the tests. What I think is strange is that I have the same exact dream for 40 years.

Different thought- for those of us who are late deafened, do you still hear sound in your dreams? I don't anymore.

Come to think about it...yeah, I do "hear" sounds in my dreams.....and I find it strange that you've had the same dream for 40 years!....Hmmmm...perhaps your sub-conscious is trying to tell you something, Kristina!...Exactly what, I have no clue...maybe having a doctor "put you under" would reveal exactly what this dream is about....could be something important in your life, I dunno!...Also, maybe check out the sleep clinics...Jeez, I'd hate to be in ur dreams!
Hmm.. When I was kid. I had bad dream about got appointment to see my doctor. My parent explained doctor about I'm sick something. Doctor understood and then He ordered a nurse. I looked at Nurse's evil smile and she's holding a syringe with larger needle and ready to poke my ass. I screamed and run away. Ugh! I hate it!

I used to have nightmares about big waves drowning everything in sight in Virginia Beach.
I still get dreams of where I fall thru space at a very rapid speed once in a blue moon.
I have bad dreams just about every night now, but I'm pretty sure it's my medications. Although sometimes I wish I could just download them - they'd make great books!