i love the perkins!!!!!
the perkins rules!!
did you know that perkins came out with a "new generation perkins brailler?" it's a piece of sh*t -- nothing compared to the good, ol' perkins model we all know and love.
speaking of the perkins, i still have mine from pre-school in 1975 and it still works perfectly.
I consider about PC. How can all blind people read PC? Show me picture of special braille device for computer.
thats cool about your old perkins, thanks for telling me about the new one, because i wanted one.
well, i'd advise you to exercise caution before buying one because it's completely made out of plastic and probably won't last as long as the original perkins.
I'm DeafBlind as well.
Tactile smile to all!
If you wanted to know what the six point dots Braille looks like, this is what it looks like. I use the Perkins brailler.
Hear Again, this image is the A-Zs of the 6 dots braille.
This is the Perkins Brailler.
Hear Again - the image shown is of the Perkins Brailler and two hands with fingers on the 6 keys.
ewww i think i can live without it.
yeah. if i were you, i wouldn't waste a cent on it. it's definitely not worth it.
if you want a brailler, save your money and get the original perkins.
thanks, im going to ask DARS for one.
cool! then by all means, ask them to purchase the original perkins.
it will last you for *years*. i don't even have mine cleaned on a regular basis (since i always keep it covered) and yet it still works perfectly after 33 years.
Thank you for demo braille display. you can feel text only in your braille display but lack of pictures and vlog.
It costs expensive price?