How long does it take?


New Member
Mar 12, 2006
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Hi again,

I was just wondering, how long does it approximately take for someone to easily sign- sign language? Because some aspects that I learned so far have been fairly easy, but some of the harder signs take forever to remember and sign correctly. Seems like Ill never learn it lol.
Learning to sign is like learning to speak Spanish- it takes time. Additionally, the rate and degree at which you master it depends entirely upon you as an individual. It took be years and years and years to become fluent, because I wasn't using it frequently. However, once I became more involved in Deaf culture to the point where I was using it daily, or at least several times a week, things fell into place rapidly.

Good luck! One thing I can say with a great deal of certainty is that it will get easier with time.
It depends on how much you use it. If you learn and use it with other people who use it regularly, it should be no problem for you and you should learn quickly.
yeah I agreed with Vampy

When I meet my dad at my age 18 yrs for the first time and he wasnt learn sign lanauages till he went to ASL class with other students and teacher. His teacher taught him and he involed with his deaf friends and getting learn to signs and he signs to me too but it got him confused signs cause of some ppl use different signs from ASL and english signs which he was on level 2 but now he is getting there improved alots now cause of his wife is deaf :).
True that!

When I attended Gally, I met several HoHs and few hearies and they sure did know little signs or rusty-like at best.

Then in next 3-4 months they showed significant improvements then learned to talk ASL in a year or two, depending on.

By time they graduated, they could sign ASL as close as the "pure" deaf asl signers. 2 of them ended up as my good friends. They went to a mainstream all their lives. Real smart guys.

They had the best advantage there because it's a pure asl-tongued campus 24/7 that help them learn at speed warp unlike any place on the earth.

By the way several interpreters went there to learn asl ... they told me. Good choice and place to start with if anybody want to learn them in shorter time.