How do you stop or take off on motorcycle


Active Member
Feb 11, 2007
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I decided to ask you interesting topic on how do you stop and take off on motorcycle. The reason I brought it up because I've observed interesting ways how Bikers plants their feet on road and plant feet on pegs during traffic stop and go.

-"walker"-- Commonly a rookie biker who are afraid to drop motorcycle when stopping or taking off. It was funny tho.

-"skidder"-- Those who love to skid their shoe sole on pavement while slowing down or taking off.

-"air lifter"-- They plant feet on pavement as soon they stopped and take foot off just before taking off. Mostly Pro Riders

-Balancer-- Biker balanced his motorcycle without planting feet on pavement. Seen quiet few. Usually he balances motorcycle while it was rolling slowly, hoping that stop light turn green or car in front of him just move on.

- One legger-- planting one foot on pavement while other foot on peg

Which one are you?


Air lifter, used to be skidder, changed because felt more safer doing air lifter.
Air Lifter. Balancer. One-Legger. it depends on situation I'm in but I think I'm mostly one-legger.

It pains me to watch my 2 pupils being a walker :lol:
Air Lifter, try skidding a few times in the rain, road reflectors are the enemy. lol
Air Lifter, try skidding a few times in the rain, road reflectors are the enemy. lol

you're putting yourself in a very dangerous position if your foot was able to touch road reflectors. you never know if incoming traffic veers too close to you and plus a side mirror can knock you out.
I don't make a habit of stopping next to them, only happened once, and that's all it took for me to learn that lesson. :)
I don't make a habit of stopping next to them, only happened once, and that's all it took for me to learn that lesson. :)

oh gotcha :lol:

and also road paint is the enemy too.
If you see my avatar here, then you know why I say, "None of the above". :lol:
48%% air lifter, 48% one legger, 1% balancer, 1% skidder (during rainy weather and several road are slick due to oil, diesel, I can tell it when I was braking down, my front or rear tire slips)

I've seen walker. One guy apparently a Rookie rider riding on small motorcycle, he didn't have helmet on, he was wearing oxford shirt and jean. When he slow down, he walked his motorcycle to stop then when light turn green, he walked while throttling up then wiggling a bit when he planted his feet on pegs. I was driving my truck at that time. If I had been riding motorcycle, I would pull up my big Vtwin alongside him and slowly glance at him through dark sunglasses to put him in shame :rofl:
If you accelerate faster from a stop you will have better balance, go straight and be able to air lift.
Ha, No fun.

I had no clue what walker, one legger and goes on.

go on you tube, watch motorcyclists at the lights or when they stop or take off, see if one foot, 2 feets or do they 'paddle' aka walking, or drag their feets on the ground as they stop or take off... it shows alot about riders confidence, skills and what they prefer, sometimes drag is 'cool' other times its sign of nervousness - like in rainy days with wet roads.....

that you'd see...what we're talking about

and front wheel lifter is self explantory lol not when im stopping, in a back wheel lifter lol