how do you order your food?


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
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How do you order your fast food? At a restaurant?

Do you write? Do you order verbally? Do you have someone order for you?

What works best for your?

What's your method of communication?
write garble words on paper and get wrong order then curse that it's wrong food then get free food and walk away :iolol:
Well..for me, if I am alone and want to get more than one meal and the weather is nice, I go inside and order my food..verbally. If they cant understand me, then pen and paper. Whichever works.

If I just want to get a meal for myself and I have my HAs, I go thru the drive through and order thru the speaker. Only 1 time out of the many times I have used the speaker is when the person doesnt understand me. I do not understand what they are saying to me so I just say, "yes..and that's all." It worked most of the time.

If the weather is lousy, I have sleeping kids, or I am too tired and I have a huge order then I will pass the speaker and go directly to the window and place my order right there. A few times, it pissed the workers off especially when there are many other cars cuz it throws their order sequence off. I used to work at Jack in the Box so I know how it works but I do not care. Ha!
i use both depend on what i want and i know how to say it, if i dont know how to say it then i would ask for paper n pen to write down.

it also depend where i want to order at too. :)
i do show serves what i wanted order of foods or restaurant cashiers i make write and paper tell to serves and cashier on my order for foods than drive thru.

i tell my mom what i wanted and my mom tell order on drive thru but i cant order on drive thru im deaf my mom can communicate what i wanted it.

mostly deaf people can going enter order foods and carryout whatever restaurant can order foods any types foods of your favorites restaurant.

and also hearing people always knew can order on drive thru than enter but my mom can doit! and also my family too!

i do write and paper what i wanted on order like mcdonalds,wendys,subway,chinese restaurant,arbys,chilis,steakhouse,taco bell,burger king,olive garden,red lobster,tgif known as restaurant,Italian restaurant, whatever in restaurant!!!!!!
Some I know how to speaking and in addition with point the menu book. if differently then write note.

Take out
I usually typing tty phone before but Now I just got VR to an order to take out rarely!! :):):)

Most of the time I have paper and pen ready and write down the order what I wanted. Either drive thru or inside.

If inside the restaurant like Red Robins or Applebee's or whatever, I would point the menu what I wanted...:) 99% of time I get my order correct. :thumb:

Most of the time I have paper and pen ready and write down the order what I wanted. Either drive thru or inside.

If inside the restaurant like Red Robins or Applebee's or whatever, I would point the menu what I wanted...:) 99% of time I get my order correct. :thumb:

same here.. I usually ask for pen and paper if I want to eat inside or order for food for TOGO... or if in resturant i wud just point at menu.. and don't forget to TIP the waiter/waitress once u are done with eating.. that's the problem deafies forget to do that :roll:
same here.. I usually ask for pen and paper if I want to eat inside or order for food for TOGO... or if in resturant i wud just point at menu.. and don't forget to TIP the waiter/waitress once u are done with eating.. that's the problem deafies forget to do that :roll:

Tell me about it!!! I really get :pissed: when some of my deaf friends say that they wont tip the waitress at all for little stupid things or when they say they dont have to tip simply because it is not required. I dont get that sometimes. I am like, "Come on! " cuz there a few establishments in DC that really hate serviing Deaf people cuz of their bad experiences with tips. Makes us all look bad. :roll:
I always use paper and pen, tell nbr if I am ordering combo, and point finger on menu
Hello all,

I just point at the menu or use my SK. I dont like it if someone else orders for me. Woof Woof!!!
usually i ordered it by telling them what i wanted as i can speak... my dh can speak as well.. :)
Paper and pen. I always have to go inside even if it's for take out. I never use drive thru...since I can't talk/hear through speaker.

Always hated to write just to order, but of course I have no choice. I don't like to write in front of other people. Wish they could learn sign language so I don't have to carry my notepad, lol.
I usually point on the menu to order what I want. Sometimes, I write down if want something that is harder to explain.
I can verbally say almost all foods and drinks without a problem but for some reason, almost nobody can understand me when I order hamburgers so I usually end up writing down hamburgers. I guess I cant say it right. :dunno:
Let's see... I usually go inside to order something by verbal and sometimes by paper and pen (I usually bring my own pad and pen with me to places...)

With my hearing loss, I have never tried the drive-thru thing by myself. I would give it a try if I didn't care if I made them upset for making them to wait. I would just rather see happy faces.