How do you handle unwanted advocacy?


Crime fighter
Premium Member
Dec 28, 2004
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What do you do when someone claims to speak for you or does so without your approval? For example, an interpreter or hearing signer who jumps in to interpret a situation when you haven't asked for their help and don't want it? Or someone who claims to speak for a group you belong to, and you don't agree with that person's beliefs?

This is a question for deaf and hearing people, since I think everyone occasionally finds him- or herself in this kind of situation.
Pull out a glove and slap the offender in the face to challenge him/her to a duel.
I have had that happen to me before. I say "Excuse I know u and did I ask u for your help?"

I had one terp that would speak for me and I didnt realize it until it was too late. It was an unfortunate situation. I reported her to the agency. Didnt appreciate that at all. Makes me wonder why that person or people like her want to become an interpreter in the first place? Someone said that they have no control over their lives and it is a way for them to take control of something. I call them :crazy:
I like Banjo's suggestion. :giggle: Seriously, I would politely interrupt and say, "Thanks, but no thanks. I can speak for (or handle this situation) myself." I really hate it when others speak for me/on my behalf. :( If I disagree with the beliefs or viewpoint of another, I will say so. I don't sit quietly on the sidelines letting others speak for me because it gives sighted-hearing people the impression that I need others to advocate for me when I'm perfectly capable of doing this myself. :)
Have not had that happening to me before. But if it did, I would make it clear that they interpret only what I said, nothing more. They have dealt with me telling my fellow students to take their cell phones out of room, to stop kicking the back of the chair, and on one occassion, to tell a couple off when I eavesdropped them pretending to sign. So, the interpreters know I mean business!
What do you do when someone claims to speak for you or does so without your approval? For example, an interpreter or hearing signer who jumps in to interpret a situation when you haven't asked for their help and don't want it? Or someone who claims to speak for a group you belong to, and you don't agree with that person's beliefs?

This is a question for deaf and hearing people, since I think everyone occasionally finds him- or herself in this kind of situation.

I'd bitchslap her/him!:giggle:
Never hesitate to say "why do you feel that way?" or "where did you hear that?" or "where did you read that ?" or "why would you say such a thing?" etc etc.

That way both the person you were talking to and the interpreter, (or bystander) know that you did not say that.
I just call ACME for an anvil and drop it on them. ;) Easier.

Wile E. Coyote don't got no nothing on me, homes.

Sorry for threadjacking, but what did you mean by "homes"? Did you mean "homies?" Just wondering...
Sorry for threadjacking, but what did you mean by "homes"? Did you mean "homies?" Just wondering...

That was a good question. It made me think!

Kind of. It's like I say, "What's up, homes?" When I address one person. Though, admittedly, not in the professional environment. ;)

I think of it more like "homey" than "homies" -- that helps me.
(I'd bet fifty and the farm that you're nigh well capable of your own mischief ;))

Well said, and I think people who know me would agree! I don't have a problem articulating my opinions in these kinds of situations, although I don't do it if it's going to cause embarrassment or other problems for other people.

This doesn't happen to me often on the personal level, but I do encounter frustration when some public figure claims to advocate for me. Unfortunately there is realistically not very much that can be done about it. ACME starts sounding like a good option.
Is this behavior another word for "mothering"? I guess it just depends on the content but.....just wondering how close it comes.....
Pull out a glove and slap the offender in the face to challenge him/her to a duel.

Finally dusted off the old wand, eh, Banjo? ;)

I suppose the same goes for me - I don't like when people try to help me - I'm perfectly capable of getting what I need without it, but I do thank them for their consideration. Most of them are surprised that I catch as much as I do anyway. :)
Is this behavior another word for "mothering"? I guess it just depends on the content but.....just wondering how close it comes.....

Mothering would fall into the category of what I'm talking about. I'm talking about different situations: one is on a personal level and one is on a larger scale. On the personal level it could be someone speaking out for you when you don't wish it, like mothering or jumping in to interpret when you haven't asked for it.

On the larger scale it would be someone who claims to speak for a group you belong to but you don't wish to be lumped in with that person. For example, when the Anti-Defamation League puts out a statement about how something or other affects Jews, and I don't agree with that statement and don't wish to be associated with it.
Thanks, Terpretator......well, I guess if it's on a larger scale, it's not so close to home and from within that scenario, there's bound to be diverse opinions and I guess that's okay by me.