I remember, when my two boys were 7 and 6 years old. They asked me the questions, “Mom – Where did we come from you?” I was stunned and did not prepare to answer their questions. I explain them about the differences between boys and girls bodies in the book. They started to giggle. Saying, Mom you have the boobs. I told them that I do not have a penis because I am girl as woman. They were glared at me. I borrowed a book from the library, which is very helpful. I said, Daddy and Mommy love each other. Daddy’s tadpole race and catch Mommy’s eggs. Tadpole and Eggs make a baby inside Mommy’s stomach. I was simple to explain the children what the tadpole and egg to purpose to make a baby inside a mother tummy.
Where Did I Come From, Mommy?
Number 1: Only women have babies, not men or children.
Number 2: The stork doesn’t bring babies.
Number 3: A baby grows from a tiny dot to full size.
Number 4: The baby grows inside the mother, but not in her stomach where
the food is. It grows in a special place made just for the baby.
Number 5: The baby comes out through a special opening.
Number 6: Everybody has, or had, both a mother and father.
Number 7: Boys and girls are different. You can tell them they are made
exactly the way they should be.
Questions about what the father does, about menstruation and intercourse, and other more involved subjects, generally come later.
Here is Rule #3: It is not wise to put a young child’s questions off with statements such as “I’m too busy”, “Wait until your father comes home”, or “You’re too young to ask about that.” Remember, it is best to answer with simple information given honestly and directly.
Children between the ages of two and six sometimes touch their sex parts. This is quite normal and natural. If they do it very often it may mean they are tense and worried. You can seek help in finding and removing the cause. Usually it is because they have to go to the bathroom. Toys, games, play and talking to the child are healthy substitutes. It is wrong to tell him that you won’t love him any more, or to slap or tie his hands. The only real harm that occurs is if you make the young child feel guilty, ashamed or frightened when he is doing what comes naturally to him.
Rule #4: If your youngster masturbates occasionally, but has many interests and seems happy, try to involve him in something else but don’t make a big fuss over it.
Getting a child off to a healthy start in his attitude toward sex may be difficult for parents who themselves think there is something shameful about it. They may not know or be afraid to use the correct words to describe parts of the body or how they work. Lastly they may see sex as something completely separate from love and a warm family feeling.
The young child is usually satisfied with a few facts told to him in simple words and without embarrassment by parents who love him.
Especially, teenagers are more burdened on me because their bodies grow hormones due to development men. The physical changes come emotional changes. It is very difficult on me because of no father in his life. They do share with other of this friends and Health Education class to watch the movie. Bodies grow hairy and skin breakout pimples and oily skin. Sweat glands become more active and make sweat which smells different from the sweat children's bodies make. This can mean "body odor". I encourage them to shower daily to help to reduce the smell to use a deodorant.
Important both of you and the children have an open communication. They will become more comfortable to discuss with you when they become older. My two sons always talked to me anything when something bother them. I always am there for them.