How do an interpreter interpret a link??


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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Schwinn Cross fit

I'm just using this link as an example. You see, I often talk to people using Siprelay on my AIM. Let's say they ask for link. I copy and paste the link in my AIM window for them.

As an interpreter how do they interpreter this whole link???
No he is asking how does the interpreter tell the person Derek is talking to about the link.

Ah, I see. Well, wouldn't it be better to just tell the person you will email the link to them during the relay. I think that is a better solution than copying the link into the AIM window, paste it in an email and send it directly to the person you are calling.
Ah, I see. Well, wouldn't it be better to just tell the person you will email the link to them during the relay. I think that is a better solution than copying the link into the AIM window, paste it in an email and send it directly to the person you are calling.

Good point. I agree that E mailing the link would be easier.
I suppose it would depend on the context and whether or not the specific URL address is necessary to convey the intent of the message. If it was critical then the poor interpreter would have to try and sign the whole thing along with the problems inherent with such a task, which would probably end with the consumer saying, "Just email me."
I don't know for sure but I suspect it works something like this:

Dependant on the system used terp would "decode" the link to

[By decode I mean they may hover over it so software reveals actual Url or Copy past the link or this process may be automated for them]

then voice it:

H T T P Colon slash slash Chicago dot Craigslist dot org slash N C H slash B I K slash two eight two five five five zero zero eight eight

Terp may use phonetic alphabet to differentiate letters that sound alike IE "B as in Bravo, D as in Delta" ETC.
I wonder why any interpreter at AD hasn't answered the question yet. We do have some AD members who are interpreters, right?
Ah, I see. Well, wouldn't it be better to just tell the person you will email the link to them during the relay. I think that is a better solution than copying the link into the AIM window, paste it in an email and send it directly to the person you are calling.
Well, for example, when you talk to a customer rep via SIPRelay, usually that rep doesn't have his/her own email address at work, only the email address of the business where only a manager/supervisor can read emails.

Fortunately many big companies such as Verizon have live chats on their websites and we can ask questions or leave a link right there without a terp involved.

However if the OP was talking about calling a hearing person like a landlord or a family member via SIPRelay, yeah, you are right, simply email the link.