One thing I am puzzle about how much hearing loss would a Deaf person be able to qualified to get CI? Some Aders says that a person can get a CI if he/she has a severe-profound deaf with a 80 to 90 percent hearing loss or totally deaf. To me that is impossible for a Deaf person to be able to hear with CI whether a deaf person was born with it. If late deafen, then it might be okay to try the CI with a 40 to 55 percent hearing loss. But for a totally deaf born that way, it is impossible to make a person hear because of the nerve between the ear and the brain. I don't see how a totally Deaf person can hear the sounds or pick up the sounds (words) like that. A surgeon cannot operate like that. This is totally different ball park here. I think with the late deafen like 40 to 55 percent hearing loss or lighter than 40 percent hearing loss would be qualified to use CI to be able to hear again. That would be much better than have the profound deaf person to get the CI. It does not make sense at all. I don't believe that at all.
I am born profound deaf with borderline total deafness, My right ear audiogram reads like 95 downwards to zilch on highs, left is 120db downwards, Pre CI my lipreading with voice was 40%, lipreading without voice 28% Speech discrimation was zero! My hearing nerve is working healthily but my cochlea isn't working at all, hence i am profoundly deaf. To recieve CI you need working nerve. Cochlear implant bypass the sounds to the Auditory nerve where HA's can't reach.
Now as 2 month post activation my lipreading with voice went up to 64% and is still creeping up. Lipreading without voice didn't improve much, We haven't tried the speech discrimation test yet as it's bit early at the moment but i am reading Audio books i now am able to follow what they say on CD while reading the book. I know few Born deafs do well with CI as we all work very hard at it with help from our centres. CI is for people who is willing to work at it that why we have tests to be sure that we are up to recieve the therapy, keeps the expecations low, relibalty of wearing HA's. Hearing aids trials (i failed all of my hearing tests with 4 different top of the range poweful aids).
Pre CI i asked for 5 per cent improvement in my hearing thats all, it went all the way up to 35/40db range which is alot more than i expected! For late deafen people they need to be severe/profound deaf, low speech discrimation and not beneifiting from Hearing aids to quailify for CI's
Brooke, I am sorry to hijack your post, Welcome to the site, I think you would need to be severe/profound deaf to recieve CI and have low speech discrimation to quailify. It's also depends on what sort of deafness you have. CI won't restore your hearing but it may improve quality of life. Your ENT may think you aren't deaf enough to have CI's. I am from UK and i am having difficulty grasping the difference between Decbiels and Percentages, In Uk we say we are 95 decbiels deaf where you say you are 55% hearing.. bit confusing for me! LOL... Do you have a audiogram that you could scan and post on site?
Deafdyke, you are probably right also the person could have progressive loss so they implanted the worst ear anyway knowing that the good ear could disappear.