
posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
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I know you have your love with Mountain Dew...

I tried this out recently.. (remember I swore off High Fructose Corn Syrup) and this stuff really tastes good. Wow.. There's more citrus-y flavors to it because they use real orange juice and sugar to it...

Have you tried it out?

If he drinks that , no way will he be able to go to sleep :giggle:. Made with real sugar? than what is the other stuff they add now?:giggle:
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I tried that out before and it does taste more "natural" :) They have the Dr. Pepper version as well.
YES! I bought up a ton of that stuff! Its great stuff. I need to lay off the dew for today though :D
You and my little sister should get together and drink mountain dew! :giggle: I wonder what she thinks of the changes.
Yeah... with that answer you obviously do need some energy. I'll wait till you get your energy back up so you can answer the question I asked ya ;)

what you asked me? was it "have you tried it before"??? I don't know if I missed something
Yeah, I've had the retro Dew. its great


The "throwbacks" and real sugar sodas are immensely popular in this town. My mom knowing me to be a Mountain Dew addict got me some Retro Dew.. Nice. :)

The best thing about the sugar pop, you don't feel like you're addicted to it after drinking it for a while.

This is the best way to wean off a soda if you are addicted to it, drink the cane sugar version because you get the same satisfaction while losing the addiction and all of a sudden you don't need it anymore.

Pretty awesome?
I had seen pepsi and dew throwback at my work I was like ugh not gonna buy and drink it cuz I need to cut down on sugar.. ughh :P but I sometimes wish i was born way early back in late 1960's then I wud understand why but anyway. 1978 was when I was born but don't think I regret about anything cuz I had known what was up in late 1960's anyway but times was cooler than the current times. due to ecomony problems and food being cut down cuz of government what the hell wrong with people those days?!?! :roll: ah I don't meant to go off topic here ;)