Hoh Looking For Signing Friends


New Member
Jul 27, 2016
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Hi there! I'm hard of hearing, losing hearing in my right ear and it looks like the left may follow suit. I've been "learning" ASL for about a year now, but I'm very much a dictionary signer and would love to have friends to practice with! All but one of my friends are hearing and have no interest in learning ASL (boo). The closest place that offers classes for non-college students is over an hour away (also boo). I have Glide, Skype, FaceTime, whatever. If y'all would be interested, I'd love to meet more people and hear from you (no pun intended). :)
welcome to allDeaf.
great your learning sign it will (refer to my sig)...

one trick we Deaf have have up our sleeves, re ASL and you can use it too. is to use it with everyone. even those who maybe at first are very hostile to it. just sign always, as well as speakie, at the beginning you can do that.just sign all the time, the classroom has its place that's a distant second. Sign is in the world with you always..so sign. ..why?
because in my experience more often then not hearie hostility and repulsion to sign will slowly erode when their eyes get familiar with it, and when they actually experience how useful it is for people like us. thats not to state it will be easy. it wont, prejudice is deep in the bone. thus a slow drip of one sign a day is dr. Hoichis (i'm not a real doc) recommendation. just one a day...for them around you, until runaway fever of audism starts to fade..

we can have allot of fun with sign, but more to the point few people really enjoy repeating themselves 20 times every few minutes...sure you will get that hard type that would prefer to shout to himself int he corner..endlessly, to make a point..but really most once they experience how useful it is start to let up...or show their true colors and go away...

it also helps you in the learning period, always using sign helps retain it, and for those around you in the home (who ever they maybe), its actually something everyone, Deaf and hearie ,hh, and d, can benefit form...

those who do wish to be a meaningful part of your life ie communicate with you, in a language suited for your needs and wants, will, after all friends want to be a meaningful part of your life....
those who dont....
dont then so be it, if they don't want to communicate with you, then its better to let them go..