hoh, CI, HA, learning ASL


New Member
Jul 22, 2007
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I'm prelingually and profoundly deaf...I'm not sure exactly what my percent loss is, though.
I got my first HAs when I was two, far too late, the audiologist said, for me to catch up on my language development.
Through sheer determination, I surpassed everybody's expectations, and learned to talk and listen, that today even learned audiologist, after just talking to me, assume I'm post-lingually deaf. No kidding. And that was with only hearing aids.
Now I'm in college, mastering what they said I'd never be able to do, read and write. My majors are English and creative writing. :giggle:
And I'm taking ASL as my language requirement. Even after I fufill the requirement, I'm going to continue to take classes so I can be bilingual, if not bicultural.
I got my first CI at age 17, and got the new freedom this year, and it has helped immensely. Instead of being lost in my own world most of the time, I've been making far more friends these days than before. :)
I joined this forum because, though I have many hearing friends, I have no deaf or hoh friends, somebody to comiserate and laugh since we're in similar situations.
Welcome to AD! :) I have bilateral CIs -- one of them being a Freedom. Hope you enjoy the boards!
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Creative writing??? Hmm...gonna replace the Harry Potter series? (ur username-- :-X) :lol: :D Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)

:welcome: to AD! Congrats on your achievements! :)
Oh wow....welcome! There are a ton of us like you here. It's not just adults who grew up ASL and went to deaf schools. There's a whole bunch of people all from different backgrounds. It's great that you're reaching out....isn't the 'net great for finding people like you?
That is so cool that you're wanting to continue with ASL. Maybe later you could transfer to Gally or another college that has a strong dhh program! I gotta say I wish so badly I had gone to Gally instead of a mainstream school where I was not given the correct services!
Welcome Holly enjoy your stay, their are lots of friendly people on the site, and between us we are a bunch of information, so onece again welcome.
