Hiya, im new here ^^


New Member
Aug 13, 2008
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Hello all, im a 16 year old hearing boy (yes im male, the nickname is just a name friends gave me ^^) im from German and i live in Munich, Germany and thats why my english isnt that good ^^

Im interested in the sign language and want to do a course to learn it, i hope to find alot of new friends through this. at the moment i dont know even the alphabet:P

I hope i'm gonna find some friends here too ^^

To AllDeaf!
Hello and :welcome: to AD! Hope this site will help you in many ways and enjoy. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. This is great with you typing in English sentences will help you approve your language better. Having two or three languages can be hard for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Just go pace on your learning the English language and I hope it will go be fine for you. :wave:
Welcome to AllDeaf! :)

Mod's note: Thread's merged.
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Welcome to the AD boards. What is it like where you live?

mmmhh its like every other place to live XD The only thing i can say is that Munich is really expensive but it's wonderful to live here, schools aren't big like in the US ^^

But i wouldn't mind living in other countries ^^