History of LAPD Racial Beatings

RSteve, funny about your blind hatred of cops; yet, you seem to think its alright for American soldiers to commit atrocities overseas just cuz the Israelis (or you think) don't condemn their soldiers for doing it.....jeezzzzz
And you even say you'd be joining the confederates if you had the opportunity during the civil war... You can't say, "cops suck because they beat black people" then turn around and say (even indirectly) that black people should have remained as slaves.

Get off your deranged high horse and go find one of timothy mcveigh's victims and ask them how it felt to be 'targeted' solely because of one man's hatred?
why do I get a feeling that ravensteve was actually here before?
That's nothing...

There have been cases of beatings all over the United States. There was even one here in Rochester, New York... a few months ago. There was another one a few months before that.

Like I said, when it involves white policemen and black victims... they usually cry "racism!"

I even brought a similar issue with my deaf friends here at NTID/RIT. I read an article in the newspaper about this white guy being beaten up by the police. When I mentioned and showed them the article, know what they did... "Aww, that sucks! Poor guy. Tsk Tsk Tsk!" Later, I found an article involving a deaf guy being beaten by the police. Know what happened? "OMG! That's so fucking awful! I can't believe those stupid cops did that to this deaf guy! Jeez! I oughtta smack some sense into those cops! Dammit!" Whoa! What happened here? Is this a problem with cops liking to beat on deafies? No. It is not. It is a problem with people being selective with who to blame.

Of course, I did this whole thing with my black friends as well. I showed them articles involving whites being beaten. They just stood there saying, "That's foul..." I then showed them articles of blacks being beaten. They all suddenly got emotional and started having a huge discussion with their black friends saying things about how the police are racists and awful for beating on this black guy.

Now, who's really being racist here? No, it's not the white policemen who beat on the black guy. It's the people who heard about it made a big deal out of it.
NeilMcD said:
And you even say you'd be joining the confederates if you had the opportunity during the civil war... You can't say, "cops suck because they beat black people" then turn around and say (even indirectly) that black people should have remained as slaves.

Read you history closer. Revisionist history ...well, read Orwell's 1984 too. The "Ministry of Truth".
Civil war doesnt have anything to do with racism. The south does not want to be part of the USA anymore. Just like parts of former russia dont wanna be part of russia anymore.And a few cops are with the KKK is no secret.
ravensteve1961 said:
Civil war doesnt have anything to do with racism. The south does not want to be part of the USA anymore. Just like parts of former russia dont wanna be part of russia anymore.And a few cops are with the KKK is no secret.

Steve does not want to be a part of the USA anymore. I am a southerner and the war is over. I was speaking to the rewriting of history to suit the mindset of today. Slavery was not THE reason the war was fought. That is like calling a wheel a car. I am not a member of the KKK, nor was my father the Sheriff. I don't know a KKK member and I hope I never do.
Well thats their secret. I bet your dad know what is the code of honor is. It means whatever you do or see you keep your mouth shut. Its like how the mafia operates.
ravensteve1961 said:
Well thats their secret. I bet your dad know what is the code of honor is. It means whatever you do or see you keep your mouth shut. Its like how the mafia operates.

It's "their" secret but you are the only one who knows it? My Dad did know what a code of honer was. His came from his Christian beliefs, and the oath he took at age 16 when he joined the Navy in WWII. The world would be a better place if more people truly understood the concept of honor.
Codger said:
The world would be a better place if more people truly understood the concept of honor.
You are right but depends on measure of 'honor'. Japaneses took it too far and it screwed up their people in bad way. Honor itself have two sides -- bad and good.
In reference to the one story, it was also said (and you seemed to have left this out) that the kid had the cop by the balls.

Are you telling me that you would just stand there if I grabbed you by the nuts (god forbid my hands should ever have to come near you) and I squeezed like there was no tommorrow, your reaction would be to smile at me? Yeah....I bet you wouldn't throw a punch to get me to let go.
Regardless, I was not there and will not defend the officers actions. Maybe he had reasons or maybe he is wrong. Again, I don't know where you got this thing that I was the defender all of cops.

And Steve, I love your perfect attitude where you seem to think everyone is a righteous, outstanding citizen. This is why people like you have no problem breaking the law, and then scream lawsuit because you got a ticket.

Put yourself in a cops shoes just for a minute...take a look at This Video and watch it to the end. Do you think when an officer approaches him and says 'Oh, you bad boy...why don't you stop that?' He put his hands up and said 'Your right, sir....Come here and put the cuffs on me and you won't get a peep out of me...I promise'.

You are ignorant if you think that every cop is crooked and the rest of America are perfect, law abiding citizens who don't cause problems.

And Steve, one last thing that I've been waiting to tell you. How do you explain the guy at the movie theater who ripped me off by giving me change for a 10 instead of a 20 dollar bill. He knew I gave him a 20 (and I watched him place it in the 20 slot in the drawer and the video tape showed the bill I handed him being placed in the 20 slot). Does this mean all people who work in theaters are thieves.....and with your line of thinking that would make you a thief too just because you worked in a movie theater...right?

You seem to want to target me for various reasons, both in private and in public. You specifically mention me by name....I have always tried to be fair. I always try to think things through completely before acting, so I have had very few regrets in my life. One of my regrets here at AD was ever wasting the space on the forum defending you and your actions. I will always defend your rights as a citizen and your right to speak your mind, but I can promise you that if you want to get into a battle of wits, you will lose this one.
Honor is not a 'conservative' or 'christian' concept. There are conservatives out there that are without honor (pill-poppin' Rush, trollin' Steve, etc..) just as there are plenty of liberals out there who come up a few notches short in the honor department (JFK, etc..).

Magatsu said it best. you can have a twisted sense of 'honor' and it's inherently evil or you can have a a sense of honor that improves humanity.
ravensteve1961 said:
Well thats their secret. I bet your dad know what is the code of honor is. It means whatever you do or see you keep your mouth shut. Its like how the mafia operates.

Steve, thanks for the laugh. Its funny watching you post anything with the word 'honor' in it. My code of honor says I will defend your freedom of speech as with anyone here at AD....no matter how much the the thought of your name makes my stomach turn.
Uh, Steve…that first link doesn’t involve the LAPD at all. That incident involved the Inglewood PD. Completely separate agency. I have a little bit of inside information concerning the quality of their past leadership, and it’s not exactly exemplary. One of their former chiefs (now retired) is currently involved in all sorts of white collar criminal activity, including interstate narcotics trafficking. But we’re talking about the IPD here, not the LAPD. The least you could do is get your facts straight and point the finger of accusation at the correct party.
Taylor the link you gave me didnt work. Now theres an interactive video cops go though training and to know when to shoot ot no to shoot. Now theres a boy comming towards you.The Officer said FREEZE!!! The Boy kept on walking didnt stop he yelled FREEZE Again kept on walking and he put his hand inside his jacket the cop pulled the trigger the video showed the boy pulled out a card saying """ IM DEAF & DUMB""" Now if that was a real boy you would had shot him dead plus that would been on the 6 oclock news and the community would been on a rampage. Now i really think the officers should not be judge and jury thats how theyre acting like nowadys. The police never follow or belive in the consitution. That consitution says we have rights.Innocent until proven guilty. Cops think everyone is guilty when they apporach the suspect. Remember Adam 12 the TV show? Those actors dont show racism towards blacks. There is one epposide a white guy blame the black guy who tried to rob him..Officer reed said....Could you tell me what the guy looked like? And the person said,,,,Well hes black,,, And Officer Maloy said,,Sir theres all kinds of differant black people you have to give me more information besides hes black. Now thats a pro right there. A real LAPD officer would say come down to the station and point him out to me. And thats a target for biggotry right there.Cops are not like what they used to be taylor. They used to be protective want to help the citenzen. Nowadays they dont care theyre write you up for speeding running though a red light write you up for not feeding the meter instead of looking for the criminals.Now i was at a ravens balllgame and i was heading towards an exit there was a cop and an usher there. I triped over a fell the cop was still watching the field the usher came over and said are you ok? Seems to me a police officer should be the one say are you ok? Thats my thing about them taylor,,They just dont care.
ravensteve1961 said:
Taylor the link you gave me didnt work. Now theres an interactive video cops go though training and to know when to shoot ot no to shoot. Now theres a boy comming towards you.The Officer said FREEZE!!! The Boy kept on walking didnt stop he yelled FREEZE Again kept on walking and he put his hand inside his jacket the cop pulled the trigger the video showed the boy pulled out a card saying """ IM DEAF & DUMB""" Now if that was a real boy you would had shot him dead plus that would been on the 6 oclock news and the community would been on a rampage. Now i really think the officers should not be judge and jury thats how theyre acting like nowadys. The police never follow or belive in the consitution. That consitution says we have rights.Innocent until proven guilty. Cops think everyone is guilty when they apporach the suspect. Remember Adam 12 the TV show? Those actors dont show racism towards blacks. There is one epposide a white guy blame the black guy who tried to rob him..Officer reed said....Could you tell me what the guy looked like? And the person said,,,,Well hes black,,, And Officer Maloy said,,Sir theres all kinds of differant black people you have to give me more information besides hes black. Now thats a pro right there. A real LAPD officer would say come down to the station and point him out to me. And thats a target for biggotry right there.Cops are not like what they used to be taylor. They used to be protective want to help the citenzen. Nowadays they dont care theyre write you up for speeding running though a red light write you up for not feeding the meter instead of looking for the criminals.Now i was at a ravens balllgame and i was heading towards an exit there was a cop and an usher there. I triped over a fell the cop was still watching the field the usher came over and said are you ok? Seems to me a police officer should be the one say are you ok? Thats my thing about them taylor,,They just dont care.

Raven, I copied and pasted your ranting to one of my best friend's husband who is a K-9 cop. He was utterly disgusted with your attitude, to say the least. He says that he risks his life for us every single day while on the patrol. He was nearly killed by a ranting guy high on meth two weeks ago and he has witnessed so many horrendous crimes.

He says he will be very happy to take you out for two nights on patrol and leave you alone so you can protect yourself on your own.

I bet you would run like a chicken.

Quit your ranting - all you can think about is yourself.
Meg said:
Raven, I copied and pasted your ranting to one of my best friend's husband who is a K-9 cop. He was utterly disgusted with your attitude, to say the least. He says that he risks his life for us every single day while on the patrol. He was nearly killed by a ranting guy high on meth two weeks ago and he has witnessed so many horrendous crimes.

He says he will be very happy to take you out for two nights on patrol and leave you alone so you can protect yourself on your own.

I bet you would run like a chicken. >>> AND PEE IN HIS PANTS!! :rofl:

Quit your ranting - all you can think about is yourself.

sheesh.. he never EXPERIENCED anything and still RANTS!?? gets me wondering?? sheesh..
Meg said:
Raven, I copied and pasted your ranting to one of my best friend's husband who is a K-9 cop. He was utterly disgusted with your attitude, to say the least. He says that he risks his life for us every single day while on the patrol. He was nearly killed by a ranting guy high on meth two weeks ago and he has witnessed so many horrendous crimes.

He says he will be very happy to take you out for two nights on patrol and leave you alone so you can protect yourself on your own.

I bet you would run like a chicken.

Quit your ranting - all you can think about is yourself.
Ouch... ravensteve1961 got :Owned: Hehehe!
You tell your cop buddy why do police officers harrasse blacks? Simply because theyre black? Why not just leave em be? If the break the law arrest them accordinaly.Not grab em on the hair and ram their head on the hood of the squad car. Not when a suspect falls down on the ground gives up running then you kick him then hitting him with a nightstick. You put cuffs on him read his rights and thats it. You ask him about that.