

New Member
Dec 19, 2017
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Too hearing to be considered Deaf, too deaf to be considered Hearing. A foot in both worlds - sometimes I feel I belong in both, sometimes I feel like I don't belong in either. In high school, I had wanted to be a teacher and for some reason, I had a strong desire to learn ASL and teach Deaf Children. Went on to pursue other things - not teaching. Started losing my hearing in my mid-20's - a long, slow process. Got HA's in my mid-30's and took an ASL class at 40. I'm 46 now, hearing is still deteriorating slowly and the HA's are such a PITA. I have a great career, but it is increasingly more difficult to "keep up" because though I can hear, I can't hear many things, I don't understand many sounds that I DO hear and lip reading doesn't always cut it. Hoping to forge new friendships and feel like part of a community again.
Hi there, welcome aboard! :wave: Interesting story, thanks for sharing.