Hi, I'm new!!!!


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Oct 10, 2011
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Hello everyone!! I just became deaf May 29, 2011 due to illness. I'm trying to find others to talk to in the same situation. I'm female 49 years old, married for 24 years with 3 children(all in college) and a very wonderful dog named Marley. She has become a great companion since hearing loss. I've read about Musical Ear Syndrome but, would like to know who else is experiencing it. Music changes all the time. The last three days it's been "Smoke On The Water" by Deep Purple!!! Would love to hear from anyone, Thanks p.s. Yes I know I spelt Angel wrong in my username. I don't know how to fix it:wave:
Hello. What illness caused you to become deaf?

And I believe KristinaB and RockinRobin can talk to you about musical tinnitus. :)
Wow, thats very recent! How are you coping with it? :Welcome: to AD!
:wave:...and welcome aboard!...I have "musical" also, never a quiet moment and so hard to concentrate...but it keeps me rockin'!...and "lullabyes" me to sleep....have a good time here! some nice people, so sit back and enjoy.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I guess you are used to hearing music and picking up sounds which you are familiar than being deaf. You are late deafened. Like Botts, I am wondering what kind of illness that make you go deaf? I hope you learn a lot about our Deaf and Hard of Hearing perspectives here. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
I don't know do I post hear to all your questions. Or each one individually?
Yes my dog is named after the movie. My Marley only weighs 4-5lbs, now for the illness this will be quite long. I have been sufferring from a severe muscle spasm disorder called Dystonia. Brutelly painful. For the last 20 yrs, Went on disability 5years ago. Then on may 29 of this year I was downstairs and luckily my daughter heard me and called the ambulance, i knew i was deaf before we got to the hospital. B/P was 60/35 it was very serious. I spent the first 7 nights what I thought I was getting better, then day 8---I had two really bad seizures and ended in ICU for 9 days. My first diagnosis was SEPSIS a serious blood infection. Then after seizures more test came back and showed my brain was very swollen. Called P.R.E.S.. So after a month in the hospital I came home. Took me a good month to be strong enough to walk. I had terrible headaches and pressure. Thats the whole story. You ask, I'll tell. Thanks for caring.
Wow you sure have been through alot! I think you will find lots of friendly, and helpful people here. I hope that you can get plugged in with other people near you with hearing loss.
It's hard to be active because I get very light headed and pressure in my head. Feels like its coming from my head, maybe my ears? I finally got my referral to the "ear, brain" specialist. Hopefully there not scheduling out to far. Interested in his perspective. I'll let you know how it goes!!! Thanks for caring, it really helps!! Love from California