Hi I'm New here too..


New Member
Apr 21, 2008
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My name is Rover I'm deaf I went to several deaf schools before settling down in MA. I've been to Tenn School for the deaf 83, 84 Then Fla School for the deaf in 85 Graduated From Boston school for the deaf in 91 Went to Gally up until 94 .

Presently I work in a Tattoo Studio in West Bridgewater, MA Called Cowvoodoo Tattoo and Art Gallery. If anyones interested in getting some tattoo work done come see me. =) Video phone ( sorenson vp 200 ) @ the Shop is 508 583 2206
Welcome to Alldeaf.

How many you got tattoo on your body? I prefer not to have on on my body. I always love to see someone has excellent artwork tattoo.
hi! I love tattoos and have several myself. if I am in your area anytime, i will definately look you up first! ;)
:welcome: to AD! I want another tatoo but too bad that I am in MD!
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Hope you will stick with us on this interesting site. :)
Welcome to AD!!!
you work on Tattoo, congratulation! I think, you had much fun to work Tattoo.
Hello!! Big Man??

Its you that we were fool around at Beach very late night?? also worked with you too???...

If Yes then Congratulate!! and got license?

Drop Hi to private e.mail me :D :D
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I have one niece(hearing) who love to have tattoo on her ankle and other part of her body, I forget where. I never have tattoo and I am not aiming to have a tattoo at all. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave: