Hi, i'm megan


New Member
Jan 23, 2017
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Hello I wanted to join this website to get to know some people whom have hearing loss. I was born with mild sensorineural hearing loss, but wasn't diagnosed until six years old. However, I did not get hearing aids at the time because my ENT felt that the hearing aids would not help enough that it was worth the money or the teasing I would have gotten. That was fifteen years ago. Instead, I was put in speech class because I of my hearing loss I wasn't able to pronounce a lot of words correctly do to not being able to hear letters in the more high frequency ranges. I also had to sit up front in class. Flash forward fifteen years, and I have noticed my hearing getting a little worse. So I was recently retested (I'm 21 now if you don't want to do the math), and I found that my hearing is now slipped into the moderate range over all except in the 8,000 frequency in my right ear, which is close to the severe range. I've also been suggested for me to get hearing aids. So anyway that is my story. I also when I find the time, since I'm busy with college, I want to learn ASL.
Welcome! You know, maybe you could do a semester or a year at Gally or NTID so you could learn ASL via immersian! That would be awesome!