Hi I am from Tampa Fl


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
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Hi I live in Tampa, Fl and enjoy learning ASL.
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Oh. Still confuse how you teach language not fluent. You teach grammar structure or just specific signs?
I think it is great that you are doing this and pursuing the certificates. Tampa has a large Deaf Population and has a Deaf club and Softball team. You should check into it and I am sure you can learn more from them. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. ASL is not the same as SEE (Sign Exact English). ASL is a lot better than SEE. Just have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. ASL is not the same as SEE (Sign Exact English). ASL is a lot better than SEE. Just have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:

I think people are confused..she doesn't teach and it was stated 3 times that she is learning and she also re-iterated that she is learning ASL not SEE
I think people are confused..she doesn't teach and it was stated 3 times that she is learning and she also re-iterated that she is learning ASL not SEE

She edit all posts. First posts say she teach children ASL, but she not fluent ASl. She say she not teach grammar, just individual signs. This SEE to me. :dunno: Not sure how hearie not fluent in ASL could begin teach it.
Thank you for giving me the feedbacks of what ginellem trying to say in the thread here and other posts. I never got to read her other posts. :(
I edited my posts because there seem to be a confusion to what I was trying to communicate between ASL and SEE. I do know the difference between ASL and SEE and I am know a significant amount of ASL and still learning more. My plan to be on this website was to connect with the DEAF community not debate whether or not I know SEE or ASL!!!! Anyways for those welcomed me thanks :)
Wasn't debate. Was curious, then confused by defensiveness and then post editing. Seemed odd to me. :dunno: