Hi guys, pls help me out with my research =)


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Dec 16, 2008
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Dear Forum Members,

I am currently conducting a survey on E-Learning 2.0 technologies. The survey is entitled "Survey on the Effectiveness of E-Learning 2.0 Tools". For those who are unfamiliar with E-Learning 2.0, here is a brief description:

“The term E-Learning 2.0 is used to refer to the innovation of e-learning, inspired by the emergence of Web 2.0. They are seen as a variety of software tools, commonly called social software technologies, that can be used to share knowledge. Examples include podcasts, collaborative concept maps, web feeds and blogs, tagging and social bookmarking. They form part of a set of an exciting new genre that assists with conversations, makes connections, promotes collaboration and helps context sharing, thereby facilitating social networking. More importantly, E-Learning 2.0 is about enabling a social experience that recognises the course is but one social-organisational group in a broader education environment.”

The main objectives of this survey are to investigate whether the adoption of E-learning 2.0 tools would aid students who have hearing loss in their educational studies, how effective it would be and your opinion on whether or not E-learning 2.0 tools should be one of your main educational resources.

Here is a link to the survey:
Effectiveness of E-Learning 2.0

This short survey should take around 10-15 minutes to complete.

I would very much appreciate your input in this survey. I would also appreciate your kind assistance in forwarding this survey to your classmates, friends or family members who may also have hearing loss. I hope it will not take too much of your time and do apologise for any inconvenience.

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,
Li Guan Hui
Student of SIM University
Hi guys

would appreciate it if u guys could lend me some of your time to answer a few questions
im currently on my final year of uni, and im doing my research paper. Pls pls pls



By the way, I have never used E-learning. I cannot give a honest answer on this survey because I don't have an experience with the software/program. Could you give us a better example?

If this is a new educational program, some of us may not be able to provide our experiences because we are already finished with the education system.


By the way, I have never used E-learning. I cannot give a honest answer on this survey because I don't have an experience with the software/program. Could you give us a better example?

If this is a new educational program, some of us may not be able to provide our experiences because we are already finished with the education system.


Ni hao! Thanks for the reply =)

Sorry for not being clear about E-Learning 2.0! The examples that are available and widely used are Youtube, Flickr, Facebook, Wikipedia and Blogs.

In the traditional E-learning 1.0, authors/creators of the E-learning systems must have certain programing skills to come up with the educational system. This system is only a one way direction of learning, meaning that the student can only learn from the author and the author does not receive any feedback from the student. In E-learning 2.0, anyone can be the author, tools are available one the internet for the users to create their own blog in less then 30mins and websites such as flickr allows users to upload pictures Here's an example The whole Merode Altarpiece on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
of a set created for an art history class. You can view the set as a slideshow, which can play automatically or you can click through it manually. If you take a look at a single picture, you can begin to see the real potential for this technology. Flickr allows you to select areas and add notes, a great tool for analyzing art! In this picture, you can see a number of areas have notes that when you move your mouse over them. The notes were added by both the students and the instructor. Further, the students have commented on the picture, prompted by specific questions from the instructor. The students can then actively engage with the image and think about and discuss specific aspects.

E-learning 2.0 Allows 2 way direction of learning, for example the author of a blog uploads a educational material. Visitors of the blogs will be able to post comments or criticize on the educational material.

Another difference is the content in the traditional E-learning 1.0. The content is static, meaning its never updated or its very hard to update because you will need to reprogram the system. Whereas in E-learning 2.0 updates can be done easily and anywhere (e.g. twitter, wireless internet,). Wikipedia, youtube, blogs are constantly updated.

I hope that I've made it more clear =) very very sorry for not being clear in the first place.

once again, thanks for the tips!!
Ok so guys, I have clarification for what's going on in this topic for those of you who read it. Did a little digging into what's going on.

If you are/were apart of the education system, a majority of this is directed towards you current college students. If you've ever taken a course online, from anywhere between 1990 to 200(4-5?) then you've used the e-learning system, version 1.0, in some form that you were probably not aware of. Most college education systems and etc followed or implemented "e-learning 1.0" fundamental methods into their courses.

The focus of 1.0 was basically what you saw during your online course through those years - how the information was directed to you, how you got through your course. That's the basics.

What happened was recently as of (2005 and beoynd i think?) they improvised e-learning to 2.0, in which it supports a slew of additional features to get people into their "studies". Improvements include as what GuanHui said, usage of blogs, online wiki (ie, wikipedia.org), podcasts - digg etc, basically its where everyone is brought together in some social form online. You can think of it similar to the focus of alldeaf.com forums if it was a site for a textbook about deafness.

What's going on is they're thinking about advancing the previous "e"-learning methods into version 2.0, to make it better overall and for future and prospective students. You are a 1st generation e-learning user if you took courses online within 90's to 2004ish, and a 2nd generation user from 2004 till now.

If you lived through both generations, then your comments are highly desired on the survey that's provided by the OP because he's trying to weight the effectiveness of 2.0 on HoH or deaf students in his research.

Basically, if you think online course-taking benefits a student with hearing loss over standardized lecture/lab with professor/TA style courses, you are apart of the objective of this research.

Edit: Most of my topic is based on the assumption of USA students.
Hi guys!
for those who have done the survey, thank you very much.
I just need a few more replies, for those who have not done the survey, i would appreciate it if you could complete the survey.

thanks again!!
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