Hi from Tracy in Oz


New Member
May 12, 2010
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Just found this website, want to say Hi! I'm Tracy and am now living in Perth having emigrated recently from the UK. I have been hearing impaired since my mid-20's and manage quite well with hearing aids. Following a recent severe infection I am now severely deaf in my right ear and profoundly deaf in my left, and am being referred for assessment for cochlear!

Feel quite isolated by my deafness at times, even though I "muck in" as much as poss... would really like to return to the workplace but am finding my hearing, or lack of it is now a hindrance!!!

Anyway.... have loads to read about on this site..... cheers all! xx
:welcome: I am profoundly deaf and was diagnosed deaf at the age of 9 months. I received my Cochlear Implant 9 1/2 years ago.

Good luck with everything :)
Welcome to AD, Tracy. I am another fellow Australian AD'er here. :wave:
Welcome :wave:

Where in the UK were you from?

I live in Dublin :) (that's why I ask)
Another Aussie

Hi Tracey, :wave: Welcome to AD. I am an severely deaf Aussie :deaf: living in Thailand, am a late-learner of Auslan and am learning ASL as well. (am an Easterner like JClarke. I am from NSW)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. You will learn and understand about hearing loss whether hard of hearing or deaf right here on AD. Just have fun browsing around here. See you around here. (too many here) :lol: :wave: