Hi from Ireland


New Member
Apr 18, 2008
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My name is Alan and I am a writer based in Ireland. I mainly write articles for websites and brochures. It keeps me interested as most projects are completely different from each other so it means that I learn a lot about many different subjects. I enjoy playing football and playing golf (whenever I get the chance) Cheers Alan
Hello and welcome to AD and hope you learn alot about this forum. Enjoy posting in here.
Hello and :welcome: to AD! An Irish writer, eh? :) Do hope you will be able to contribute your views on this interesting site. Enjoy! :)
Cheers Alan and welcome to AD! I remember my trip to Ireland...it was amazing. Hope you have as good a time here as i did there.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Are you Hearing or Deaf? Being a writer have some drawback for the Deaf person. But if you are hearing and have a good English or Irish language to write a book or magazine or brochure. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave: