Hi from Florida


New Member
Sep 5, 2013
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Just found your site while googling a question about medicaid and hearing aids and thought I would introduce myself. :wave:

I was born, many years ago, with fluid behind the eardrums that wasnt determined until I was almost 4 years old. Had fluid drained and immediately started speech therapy 5 days a week for 4 straight years.

Five years ago I had a hearing test done that showed I had a moderate loss in my right ear and mild loss in my left. Had a test today and the tester stated I had a complete loss in my right ear and a profound loss in my left ear. With no hearing aid for left ear, I am looking at total loss within 5 years.

This does explain my totally not hearing my alarm clock in the morning, blissful unawareness of the phone ringing and the ability to ignore my kids screaming at each other in the hallway.

Now I am trying to process the facts that I was handed this morning and decide how I am to afford a hearing aid since I do not qualify for medicaid, but have no insurance. Oh well, will find a way.
Man, I didn't realize how many people were deaf in Florida... MAN I never see any! lol! However, Sarfari has it right, Vocational rehab is a good place to start. =)