Hi Everyone


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Sep 10, 2024
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Hi everyone. I'm Mike from San Diego. I was born hearing but over the last 60 years my hearing has diminished to the point of nada, capoot, gone. i have been wearing hearing aids for the last several years but even now i find them pretty much useless. My condition was driven by chronic swimmers ear, flying in helicopters for 30+ years and other job related activities. Most people find it hard to believe that i cannot hear because i speak clearly so I find myself being challenged by people, has anyone else experienced this? Glad I stumbled across this site for many reasons but mostly for inspiration.
Greetings, yes, 60+ here, borne hearing in 20s noticed loss probly had from child hood but unnoticed, last couple years been working on voice off, once at store was asked if I could speak why I didn't, because if I speak people think I can hear, my sign needs much vocabulary building, but no one in my life signs, going voice off is such a chalange because I one of those that interrupted, spoke over, buted in, very social, ect. It's taken me couple years to learn to leave that all unsaid.
I’m voice-off most of the time. Makes life much easier. I never like speaking much anyways so not hard for me to do. Most hearing people can’t comprehend speech without hearing. Just doesn’t compute for them. Even some medical professionals who should know better, don’t.