Hi, everybody!


New Member
Oct 6, 2012
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I recently lost most of my hearing, so I guess that makes me just HOH and not 'deaf' as it were. I have auto-immune inner ear disease, and wihtin the past six months, I lost all the hearing in my left ear, and most of it in my right. I can still hear very low octave noises if they're loud enough. It was VERY scary. Luckily for me, lipreading has come easily for me, which is totally wierd because I could NEVER do it before. I'm still going to college (it's a LOT harder now than it was last semester), and will graduate in May 2013! Yay! I was going to learn ASL, but got berated by my ENT because "Why learn something that you don't need?" I guess he meant that if I can lipread well, and I already know how to speak, what's the use? I still think that I can utilize ASL, but I'm nto so sure now.
Sorry this post is so long. I LOVE to talk to people, but nowadays people don't like talking to ME, because I still miss half of what they're saying, get distracted, etc. So I figured talking to people in this forum could help out with that.
Talk to me, and thanks in advance!
And you took the advice of someone telling you what to do? If my anyone told me I shouldn't do something I'd probable have something very rude to say back to that person...lol butttt that's just me :p