

New Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Just wanted to say hello to the group.

I have a genetic progressive hearing loss that is now to the point that I am having difficulties even with BTE hearing aides. I am taking ASL classes and working with my family to learn to so they will be able to communicate with me better as I get older.

My father (that had the same condition) wasn't ever able to learn sign and for the last decade or so of his life we had to write notes for him all the time. I don't want to have to do that.

Thanks to alldeaf for having a place like this.
Just wanted to say hello to the group.

I have a genetic progressive hearing loss that is now to the point that I am having difficulties even with BTE hearing aides. I am taking ASL classes and working with my family to learn to so they will be able to communicate with me better as I get older.

My father (that had the same condition) wasn't ever able to learn sign and for the last decade or so of his life we had to write notes for him all the time. I don't want to have to do that.

Thanks to alldeaf for having a place like this.

Welcome to AD! :wave:

You sound like you are in the same boat I'm in wrt genetically caused hearing loss and learning ASL. The big difference is my family has not fully accepted the importance of learning ASL before we get to the point of writing notes. We are already at the "yelling" point for me to hear some words causing a little bit of frustration in our lives.

I am going to send this thread to my wife for her to read. Thanks for mentioning what you did. I hope what you all are doing can be added to our lives as well before my hearing loss gets much worse.

Thanks and :welcome: again!

to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)