Hey Ya'll!


New Member
Mar 26, 2010
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I am a SAHM mother of four, my youngest child (16 mo) is HOH. I am here to connect with other parents, learn as much as I can about the deaf and hoh in an attempt to give my daughter the best care and options in life. My daughter has a moderate hearing loss (no known cause), wears bilateral hearing aids and we are attempting total communication. I feel that she will be very verbal but I am determined that she and I will learn the beautiful language ASL and she will never be without a means of communication. I look forward to many great conversations and new friends.:wave:
welcome to alldeaf!

my hearing loss was indenfited at 10 months old (had the same hearing loss level your daughter had) and I had some amplification at 18 months old
same thing, I'm a mystery (no cause of my hearing loss)
I wear 2 hearing aids like she does though I'm about to switch to Oticon Safaris since my current hearing aid *Oticon Gaia* is 5 years old and my old backup sets that U see in the picture is dead right now
I had these hearing aids as a baby and they were my 1st pair
also had them at 2 yrs, 6 months
*they're analog Siemens Infinti S1*

BTW, I'm getting Safaris in purple and they're out in January 2011
and I'm now moderate/severe with a severe loss in high frequencies
(I'm 15 BTW)
Welcome to AllDeaf!! Hope you have fun here and there are quite a few of us who will be willing to help you in all areas of life with a hoh child.

I was diagnosed with a hearing loss at 7, but was born with it, but a late diagnosis. I am now total deaf, but have 2 teenagers with hearing loss. They have sensorineural hearing loss. Daughter has a mild loss and son has a moderate loss.
:wave::wave:Hello Mr. Chips here sadly he could not get logged in under that name.....so now it's rharryh........glad to see you here........
Hi Mr. Chips, so glad to "see a familiar face". I hope some of the other parents and friends of HKH come on over. I'm in the midst of getting ready for the hearing/speech therapist to come over today. She's great. She is CODA and has been a great ASL teacher to me and my little one. We have alot of Dr. appts and I'm sure I'll have 100 thoughts and questions in no time. I'll be sure to look you up and chat about it. Right now my hubby thinks I'm crazy but preschool has been front and center in my mind lately and she is only 16 months. Just trying to make the "right" decision and stressing about it. Talk to you soon
Hey....... I think I know you! :) Glad you migrated over here!!!!
The important thing is NOT to stress. You're giving her a bunch of options/tools, and letting her figure it out. That's awesome parenting!!!! We'll be here for you to get advice from...
Oh I wish we had a magic bullet that would do away with the stress for new parents, but unfortunately there is not one at yet, there is..... as Ms. deafdyke says tools and options or in other words lot's of information will assist in helping parents make decisions....building a good support system by finding individuals you trust play into it also......

Mr. Chips
Thanks guys, I know in my heart i'm going in the right direction it's just the daily tasks that weigh me down. As a hearing mom who didn't know any ASL 16 months ago it is overwhelming but I'm staying one step ahead of her :) The therapist was very encouraging today. Ada has added "yucky" and "play" to her repotoire and the letter "A". I found some great flashcards with the letter, sign and photo of "apple". So we will slowly work our way to Z. Today we sang 5 little ducks and signed duck and said quack a million times :) I get alot of help from the therapist especially with learning about deaf culture, she was the only hearing child in her family and her knowledge has been great. My goal is for Ada to easily transition back and forth between hearing/deaf worlds. And then she can choose where she belongs. I just feel that should be her choice and not mine but my job to make both accessible to her.We are so lucky there is a deaf school within driving distance. Now to plan my speech. I'm trying to attain a parent seat on a committee for Infant Hearing screens. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum, Chastitydi. I don't know what is going on with you with Mr. Chips. :confused: Right now, we are welcoming new members. Hopefully you can stay and learn about our deafness and Deaf Culture. Also there are many topics you can pick to discuss or debate. So have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
You're involved with DHH playgroups already right? And you do have a Deaf mentor right?
I know learning ASL is hard... " oh no, what if I can't provide a proper language model?"
It IS hard learnign a second language....BUT you'll learn. Every parent except for Deaf families have that disadvantage, that they have to learn a second language.....BUT, right now your sign abilty is prolly at a baby's or toddler's level. At least you're not franticly trying to learn a new language due to Ada having a severe speech delay. She's on par with speech right? That ROCKS......this way you can pour a lot of the energy you would have expended on speech skills into ASL. .....and that will give her an AWESOME tool.
You wouldn't raise a kid who was defiencnt in math but gifted in English by focusing exclusisvly on the math defiencey right? You're doing the right thing!
Dhh kids need a full toolbox of options, and very often hoh kids don't get a lot of exposure to Deaf stuff :(
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum, Chastitydi. I don't know what is going on with you with Mr. Chips. :confused: Right now, we are welcoming new members. Hopefully you can stay and learn about our deafness and Deaf Culture. Also there are many topics you can pick to discuss or debate. So have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:

Not a lot going on with me at this time......just looking about.......
Are you nervous abt school placement? I know WSPD is supposed to be REALLY good. I seem to recall that when mainstream schools are crappy, the schools for disabled kids are supposed to be REALLY good. I know a lot of people here say that if they have a dhh kid , they will either go to Deaf School or a formal established sizable dhh program. Deaf schools and programs tend to be really good for early intervention. Far better then an Easter Seals style early intervention program (the kind for all kinds of disabilites) and WAY WAY better then a mainstream setting. I think many dhh kids can significent benifit from Dhh specific early intervention.
I'm fairly certain she will go to preschool at WPSD, it's an hours drive but I'm just not seeing a good fit closer to home. At least for preschool and maybe Kindergarden. I want her to have more exposure to ASL while she is young so that IF we mainstream she can benefit from an interpreter and if she should lose any more hearing. I just don't see how she's going to get the exposure to ASL and Deaf culture in our local school system. Our Early Intervention contracts with a group associated with WPSD and we also go to the playgroup there. So there is already a relationship and familiarity with the school. I would love to move closer but not sure if we can.