Hey that’s ours!!!!


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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Since meeting my Deaf friends I have noticed some things that seem to be unique to Deaf people and I have noticed it here as well. They are certain words. Such as undy for understand and remmy for remember. As we all do I have picked these up and use them since my friends use them. I don’t see anything wrong with is since it is close to addy for address which I have seen for years. The one that is truly unique in my experience is “heh” I have never seen it before. Hehe yes but heh seems to have a different connotation. Do y’all have issue when hearing people use it? is it an “our word” type thing? Like I said I have never seen it used before now.
Such as undy for understand and remmy for remember.

I see those used all the time on webpages and forums used by younger people. I don't think they're exclusive to the deaf community.

The one that is truly unique in my experience is “heh” I have never seen it before.

And this one I personally (over)use all the time, and have for years. I'm sure if you look through my posts you'll see it. Also my hearing friends and my fiancé use that. My use of it isn't influenced in any way by the deaf community.
Yeah, I edited my first post. :)

Ha ha, look:

Heh, that's my name sign as well, only with a different letter. I do have curly hair, some of the time. A deaf friend gave it to me because she liked my hair.
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Yeah i noticed that! No fair!! LOL Yeah i have seen you use "heh" before but i figured you have probably been a terp for a long long long time ;) (just messing with ya) and that it is second nature to you. I think i may have seen Reba use it as well.
Well, I can't speak for deaf people or other terps but it's been in my online vocabulary since before I was a terp starting in the middle ages ;) (I'm really a baby terp compared to others around here.) It's like a standard IM response in my circle meaning "I acknowledge that you said something but I don't really have anything interesting to add." Or as seen above it means "that's funny" or "that's ironic" or "that's interesting," etc.

I'll look for it on non-deaf-related forums if you want.
I haven't seen it in any non deaf related forums or chatting with my hearing friends. Or in hearing chat rooms. how i have seen it used in addition to what you say is a kinda shy response after a compliment or something sweet or nice said. Like on cartoons when the person smiles puts there head down and scuffs their foot around., like "i hope to see you soon!".... "yeah me too heh". something like that.

I've noticed on e-mail lists and forums where Deaf and deafblind people participate, many of them use the :) emoticon, type "<smile>" or "Smile!" but as Interpretrator said, I don't think its use is exclusive to these communities. Hearing-sighted people use them as well.

However, based on my observations, I find more Deaf and deafblind people using the :) emoticon (or type "<smile>" or "Smile!") while those who are hearing-sighted tend to use a colon and closed parenthesis or a colon, dash and closed parenthesis to represent a smily emoticon (or a colon and open parenthesis or a colon, dash and open parenthesis to represent a frown). Again, this is probably not exclusive to Deaf or deafblind computer users in general -- it's just an observation I've made since I started using the Internet.

The only exception I can think of would be the word "pah!" (meaning success or achievement; "at last," "finally!" or "did it!") which is used in the Deaf community. For the hearing, "pah!" is an expression of disgust.
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However, based on my observations, I find more Deaf and deafblind people using the :) emoticon while those who are hearing-sighted (generally) tend to use a colon and closed parenthesis or a colon, dash and closed parenthesis to represent a smily emoticon (or a colon and open parenthesis or a colon, dash and open parenthesis to represent a frown).

I think that may also have to do with what's available when writing a message. On a forum like this, if you type a colon and parenthesis you get


but if I'm writing a plain-text email from my computer, there aren't emoticons so I type
