
:wave: my name is Kimberly I not deaf nor HOH. I from ohio and i attend kent state. I am currently taking asl I and thinking about majoring in deaf edu. because my asl teacher in high school rocks. but i need to interview a deaf person and my teacher does not count...:roll: but if anyone 18 or older wouldnt mind responding or sending me an emial soon it would be great.

If you read this thread it will tell you all you need to know.

What you are asking is against the rules.
Thanks Botti!! I'm glad you were able to bring up that needed thread. I still haven't figured out how to do that.
Thanks Botti!! I'm glad you were able to bring up that needed thread. I still haven't figured out how to do that.

I have it bookmarked for these occasions. If you click on it in my answer, you can do the same.

However, be warned, I am very fast to warn.
:welcome: to Alldeaf, Kimmy. :) Glad to see that Botts already answered your question. :P
:welcome: to AD. Enjoy your stay. Look like someone decided to baited AD.