Help! Hearing woman seeing a deaf man



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When I do see him he seems calm, quiet and just nice. I don't have anything against him because of his deafness but I am starting to wonder if there are personality issues there because of his disability aside from the normal ones.

Does anyone have an opinion on this? do deaf people have common personality issues (i.e. agressivensss, self-centered, demanding etc.) Just trying to understand him more.

No. We are all very nice, cooperative, and would give you the shirt off our back.

You could say we have a hive mentality. You will need to adjust. :wave:
Wirelessly posted

Instead of coming on here and asking what makes him tick, why don't u ask HIM?! And obviously u don't really know about the deaf community asking that question. Do u even know sign language? Is he teaching you sign? How long have you guys be aquanted?