

New Member
Mar 5, 2009
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Hey, everybody! I'm new to this community. I'm not deaf, but I'm studying ASL in Chicago. So, hi.
:welcome: to AllDeaf.

You are studying ASL.

Curious what drove you to learn ASL? :)
To be honest, I can't say for sure where my interest began...I have a cousin who is deaf, and I spent a summer with that part of my family when I was in elementary school, and I remember liking the language back then. Recently, though, I just decided I really want to learn. I'm actually studying playwriting as my major, and I'm really interested in deaf theatre...
To be honest, I can't say for sure where my interest began...I have a cousin who is deaf, and I spent a summer with that part of my family when I was in elementary school, and I remember liking the language back then. Recently, though, I just decided I really want to learn. I'm actually studying playwriting as my major, and I'm really interested in deaf theatre...

Oh cool!

Sounds like fun!

Do you still have contact with your deaf cousin? He/She could really help you with ASL and Deaf culture as well. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Maybe you can be a acting interpreter in a play to tell the hearing people what Deaf actors are saying in signs. Hope you enjoy the theatre no matter if Hearing theatre or Deaf theatre. I agree with Babyblue that it sounds like fun. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave: